
By your logic I could say you know nothing of whiteness. I won’t, and you know why?

Did he just argue that he is anti-racist, after he completely dismissed everything you said, called you a “tit,” and then proceed to call you “Honey-Bun?” Wtf. White people like this are a bigger part of the problem, in my opinion, than the fringe who fully embrace their racism, because they allow the status quo to

This guy is the worst type of white person. Thinks they’re “down” with the cause, thinks they’re open minded, thinks his opinions are enlightened and need to be heard and is actually so further from everything he thinks about himself he’ll probably never get through to. Oh and I bet he has a black friend too.

And, there it is. I knew if I pushed back enough, I’d get to the heart of the matter. You think because you’ve read a Black academic (or 2) that you get it. That you couldn’t POSSIBLY be racist. Oh, at least not a “real racist”.

then I don’t think you get what racism is.

‘I am white, I’m very white, I grew up on a tiny island where almost everyone was white’

I just want to put this out as a PSA for everyone: Please don’t ungrey trolls. Don’t reply to them, don’t star them, you can “dismiss” them and their comments will never even show up. This Ross guy is a waste of all our time.

No I’m telling you to piss off because many many commenters here, many of whom are POC have been explaining this all to you for quite a while now, and you refuse to take them seriously or believe them. You are committed to being right or seen as some kind of amazing ally, and in fact you are proving yourself to be the

Look at you, reverting to sexist endearments because you were adequately challenged. How typical. Our politics are probably not identical, as you have no interest in understanding racial dynamics beyond what you can see and, as a person who literally studied racial identity and formation at university, I find that

I didn’t actually mean to post that about you—I thought the OP was talking about Joseph Fiennes. Though, I do think the point could apply to your comments—I just wouldn’t have been that snarky to a commenter here. The thing is—you’re not showing respect. I’m not trying to sound harsh here, which is hard not to do,

Um, I’m not the one who has decided they are the expert on racial identity and optics. That was you and you look very stupid while doing it. So, if you think that you’ve won, that’s your white perspective ignoring reality, something white people have been doing since time immemorial. So, congrats for being on-trend.

Also, what the hell is up with this “I’m a middle class white guy” BS? You are by far not middle class Joseph. And then to act like, “oh wow I’m so surprised they cast me!” Then don’t audition for the part of a black person you asshole. If he really cared he’d turn down the part. What a chump. Never again Joseph.

Won what, exactly? You literally sound stupid and uninformed and yet you think you’ve won something. That’s funny. And are you EVEN American?And yet you’re talking about the specifics of race in an American context? All because you read one Black academic? Did you read any other books, articles, hell... blogs? No?

Oh for fucks sake, just say “I apologize” and defer to other people’s much greater lived experience, and read experience. WHite fragility, shit.

Yeah. . . . .this isn’t one of those issues that is “flippable.” For so many reasons. . . . .And, really, when we’re talking about ANYTHING that has to do with race, there is so little symmetry in our society that you can’t really treat this stuff like it would be the same if it went the other direction.

He probably would have voted for Obama too, if he were American. And he probably cried at the end of 12 Years a Slave. He also has two black friends. And he thinks Martin Luther King, was like, the Greatest. So, he’s not participating in any institutionalized racism. BECAUSE HE LOVES BLACK PEOPLE.

Well, you can continue to think that, white man. I, a Black woman, will not because I refuse to be simple.

I’m far more perceptive in this area BECAUSE I AM BLACK. I know more about Blackness than you ever could BECAUSE I AM BLACK. You are being called arrogant, condescending and even racist by people because you are acting like the typical white person - talking over Black people about Black issues, believing you have

I bet he quotes Martin Luther King or Gandhi to PoC all the time too lol.

but he read bell hooks!!! he’s ~educated~ about race!!!