
Just fyi, Deadspin’s official editorial policy is that the Chargers holding an option on moving to LA is the same as them having done so; they can eat shit until they decline the option, and for that matter if they do they can eat shit for having lorded it over their fans in the meantime.

If you look up the term “genetic sexual attraction” you’ll find it was not coined by a scientist, but an adoption reunion advocate.

Yeah, thanks for mentioning this first. It hasn’t been studied well enough to say anything of its actual frequency, let alone that it is “extremely common.”

Then hop on board the science train, because the more we study the human brain and the human body, the more we find that this is just a thing that happens and not a mental or physical disorder. Just because someone told you when you were a kid that there were only two genders and they stayed the same your whole life

Actually RESPECT is about referring to someone how they identify. Not everything is about where you get to stick your genitals, dude.

Transition successful.. I guess? Or a typo? Narcissa Wright used to be called Cosmo Wright and is transitioning from man to woman. Generally the person transitioning wants everyone in the world to just start calling them something else instantly when they “come out”. In reality it’s pretty hard to do so and requires

No, she wasn’t. If a gay guy came out, you wouldn’t refer to his closeted time as “back when he was straight.”

Well thats the thing with online personalities. No matter how much we THINK we know them we dont actually know all that much. No matter how close we may feel to these personalities it does not mean we a know them that deeply. We all go through deeply personal things that no one, even our closest friends and family,

whether you wanna fuck someone or not really has no bearing on their identity

There are lots of people I might or might not have sex with.

I’m just saying, Narcissa Wright clearly identifies as “her” now, and it’s basic courtesy to respect that.

Yes, but it appears she’d now like to be identified as her which, really, is not too much to ask is it?

It’s a name that has been around since at LEAST the early Greek empire.

Sex and gender are two different things, champ.

The one right no one can take away from us is the right to define ourselves as we wish. You can claim she is a he all you like, but she’s still a she to herself.

So if you don’t sexual arouse anyone you have no gender? That must be rough for you.


Good luck to her and whatever she persues here on out!

Blair Walsh Lived A Kicker’s Nightmare

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.