
I recently found a packet of black light hair gel in my bathroom at my parents’ house that has definitely been there since 1998.

It’s almost as if you did not read this article which mentions Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome and links to the exact same thing you posted. PTLDS is real. Chronic Lyme Disease, however, is not.

That ad is in bad taste, and shows zero respect for the women who legitimately accused him, and maybe some women who haven’t come forward. Not only that, it reminds me that Roethlisberger still exists.

But that’s the thing. There’s a difference between having Lyme disease (which it sounds like you did) and “Chronic Lyme Disease” which is now a “thing” that people have - like Avril Lavigne, this lady, etc. These are people who are tested by their doctors for Lyme Disease and they DON’T have Lyme Disease. And then

Solid idea putting the games in time slots when their biggest demo is still at work. You should work for NCAA.

No, I can’t force people to spend their money is a reasonable or responsible way, but I can and will continue to call them selfish assholes for wasting their money in such a way.

I’m a full-time shelter worker*, donate my “extra” cash to four different charities (ASPCA, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, The Wild Animal Sanctuary) on a monthly basis, and frequently use my own money to buy supplies for my job that I am not able to be reimbursed for, and have three

Having previously worked at Barnes and Noble and knowing some of the weirdos who we had shopping there I’d dread the idea of them serving alcohol.

I assume they made multiple embryos and implanted them into multiple foster moms to increase the chance of a successful birth.

When our dogs die of a fatal brain tumor we pay a lot of money to create a genetically identical dog from the dead cells of the first dog.

The B&N membercard costs $25. It has never been $50.

So how long did it take you to finish the shading of the upper lip?

Saying that grass is green does not “feel redundant”. It feels like accurately describing a thing with an appropriate descriptor. Saying “Kylo Ren is emo” works the same way: It is an accurate descriptor, but that’s not what “redundant” means. Words have definitions for a reason...

Right? Adam Driver did in one movie what Lucas didn’t allow Hayden Christensen in two. Though, I do have to say that despite how horribly Lucas’ writing was for Hayden, that the basic outline of Anakin’s descent makes total sense to me on paper. His mother being tortured and dying in the desert and then forseeing the


either the ideas were dull and unengaging, or the writing was less than third-grade-reading level, or—most often—both.

This is the first Jemisin book I’ve gotten into (tried the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and nah), and it was really, really good. It seems to be a fantasy, but then it may be science fiction, and there are three storylines that occur at different times, so I was guessing and reguessing how they would link up, and the end

Are you just saying that or did you read all of them?

These stories were already written - they were just collected in one volume this year.