
Lincoln Chafee (miss u!) is one of the small hobbit children delighted by the fireworks at Bilbo’s birthday party, correct?

I think “Deep Space 9 except with superheroes” is possibly the best elevator pitch I have ever heard. Sign me the f- up.

I feel like I’m going crazy because absolutely nobody here in the comments, nor in the main post, seem to be able to put 2 and 2 together and realize that the logo on the lapel pins is the same (or at least similar) logo for the HYDRA-backed space program to explore the Monolith planet on Agents of SHIELD.

Its a rake

You think the President of the United States should violate two multi-nation treaties by executive order with no negotiations? You don’t think that might have some really major negative repercussions?

Don’t bother man. Dude has the stench of Trumpy Dumpy all over him. You’re wasting your breath trying to engage these dumbass buffoons in intelligent dialogue,

Donald Trump’s speeches prove that he has no interest in serious dialogue. Why should anybody else?

lol, sure thing buddy!

Naw dogg, but if you’re actually a liberal, you wouldn’t be open to the idea of Trump.

they should do the storyline where she sees cap America on the roof. They could use any superhero in his place then at the conclusion of that arc BAM! Agents of shield crossover cameo.

I just got so excited I almost punched the guy sitting next to me on the train.

So excited!

Eh. I don’t hate the Punisher and it’s a good fit with the rest, but there are at least a half dozen other characters I’d prefer first (such as Moon Knight, or Cloak and Dagger. Ghost Rider.).

There are dozens of us!


The truth is...I am Iron Flamingo.

No, no, Finn is Luke and Rey’s son from the future!

There’s always a chance at Marvel that you can see anything. But there, uh, let’s say—there is no Red Hulk in ‘Civil War.’

Ta-Nehisi Coates is writing BP now, which is interesting. Marvel are clearly going the extra mile to avoid being tone-deaf with their most important black character*

If he were alive today, he would would be frantically clawing at the inside of his casket.