
Not yet, is it pretty good?

The Interview was actually pretty good, the actor who played Kim Jong Un was fantastic. This is basically the only difference between me and Justin Bieber, our taste in movies.

Have you guys decided who wrote the Moe article?

I want to track the guy down to see what all that money is buying.

I think I read this on Lifehack before, good advice.

Sorry everyone

How about a Fight Club?

I prefer Beck for that title.

God damn, this is so inspiringly brave. My hat is off to her and the other 99, its clear to me I don't have what it takes to do something like this.

I hope that with gamergate after him he can empathize and he reaches out and apologizes to her. What a mess. I wonder if she (or anyone in her situation) could forgive something like this.

This was the most obvious troll I've ever seen, but it was astounding how much lore there is on the internet on this guy. There's a whole wiki devoted to this guy making the case why he can't possibly be faking because people trying to figure him out say he stays in character when he plays xbox live.

Is this the Ethics in Gaming I've been hearing about?

Because I'm super hot.

Somewhat related, but I am a competitive body builder so I drink a lot of breast milk and steroid cycle and have now started producing breast milk myself. Is the breast milk I produce (as a roided up man) as nutritious as a woman's breast milk? Can I feed it to a baby?

My apologies, but you have the dumbest commenters in the gawkerverse, they will make this mistake.

booo eat a dick

Oh shit, merfolk have pentrent technology!

I see a lot of people disagreeing with Mark here, but seriously: fuck family. These are the dicks we get stuck with that mess us up when we are growing up. Our real core should be our community of friends, the people we choose to love when we grow up and learn more about life. Our friends are who really have our backs

it's not