I would go with Michael Pemulis from Infinite Jest. Not a surprise based on my username.
I would go with Michael Pemulis from Infinite Jest. Not a surprise based on my username.
Yeah Mosby was fucking awful.
Agreed. Will's writing on those two shows was great.
I really, really liked this episode. I loved at the end when they showed that Adam's real prom date was playing the new girl's mom. Wait, I know they cut back but why was Goldbergs coverage canned? The fucking creator of the show would come comment with us!
The same ep he keeps it crispy.
Controller preference goes a long way too and I've always preferred DualShocks.
They need to try something. I have no interest in this but my XB1S just collects dust because I think the exclusives on PS4 are so much better. Been playing Nioh and I can't wait to get Horizon Zero Dawn.
They'll have more chances. Remember, they don't die, they multiply!
Same. @PemulisGately
Very true.
Jordan wouldn't care about those awful laws, he just cared that he wagered five grand on them not passing.
Then he remembered UNC covered the spread and he was very quickly okay.
Then there is nothing I can do for you. We've lost you.
It really is. It's my current favorite song on the album. I think it might stay there and it's definitely a track I would put on a playlist for anyone who tried to tell me they disliked Kanye because he made shitty music.
I didn't play one until a couple years ago. You're right it is a great system. I would always see the few games they had to rent for it at the local rental spot and me and my friends would wonder who the hell had that thing because it looked pretty cool.
So I'm way off Mohd?
Justin Wong, the Street Fighter player?