Pemulis Gately

Ohlmeyer is disgusting. He's the reason Norm was fired from SNL. Ohlmeyer couldn't take Norm ragging on his good buddy OJ!

I would put Strawberry Jam at my top of AC albums, not because I feel it is the best but because it got me into the band and since they became such a favorite of mine it holds a special place for me. Strawberry Jam, Feels, and MPP are my most listened to by far, I was really disappointed in CHz even though of course I

I know! That is always nice to see.

Great, I'm always game for some new Deerhunter. No one good ever comes through Cincinnati. I don't blame them though, it's a shitty place!

Glad it was comforting and it's nice to see someone who loves his music as much as I do. Person Pitch is my favorite album of all time with that being my favorite song off it. Have you ever seen the People Party DVD that came out after the Person Pitch tour?

Shit, "Good Girl/Carrots" is probably my favorite song of all time. It's just that good.

Yeah definitely two of the best. Mario is big favorite of mine as well.

Yeah, I know, I just really wanted a chance to use the 'it can be two things' meme!

It can be two things.

Tried to. I shut that shit down though.

There was at least two sequels because a girl I graduated HS with was in Problem Child 3, I know because we watched it in my art class, which she was also in. It is not art.

"No dice."

I know OF Raymond Chandler, but basically nothing about him other than he was a writer. Thank you for your awesomely informed responses. Now it's off to google Chandler and see where I can rent/stream some Altman this weekend.

Will do.

Mash does seem like a good place to start also. I've known of The Long Goodbye as being a divisive film but that's about all I know. When I heard PTA was going to write a Pinocchio for RDJR I thought about Altman's Popeye and then realized the PTA Pinocchio connection wasn't that absurd.

Yeah I know a little about Short Cuts and that is definitely on my list. I get the impression I should see a couple of his other films first though.

Cool. Will do.

I haven't seen any Downton Abbey except for a brief bit when visiting my grandmother one Sunday evening. That's not a bad joke or knock on DA, that's just the only time I've seen even a tiny bit of it.

Yeah, that sounds like a movie I could get into. I remember back when Gosford Park came out, but I just wasn't as into film then as I am now.