P. Emmanuel

I'm into it. It's nonviolent and not really all that disruptive plus, lawn jockeys? You can paint them white all you want, but originally they weren't painted white and most people know that.

I once tried to text “Bah humbug” to a friend of mine who was being overly chipper during the holiday season. My phone autocorrected to “Vag humdinger”. And now that is what I say all the time.

I think he’ll be more fun when he is an ex-Prez. Obama is only truly free in moments like this, when he gets to unleash his emotions and speak. The presidency shackles him. And there is NO chance he pulls a Bush II and hides away doing crappy paintings. He’s going to do something, and it will be a blast.

Lena Dunham, the perfect candidate to make gay marriage about herself.

The people at Gawker did a hell of a thing when they hired Greg Howard to write for them, and I am sure I’m not the only one who is thankful they did.

“Hey, you’re black, right?”

This is the best story that has ever been on this website.

Anyone down for a quick roadtrip to Florida?

Feels like America just won the World Cup.

Or that we require the enforcement of labor laws so people are paid just wages. Tipping is a hugely problematic system that does not improve worker treatment. Every evaluation of tipping indicates it’s racist and sexist as hell for workers and encourages racist and sexist treatment of customers.

You missed the part about how Dick Cheney used Miller’s article to say, “it isn’t just us that think there are WMDs, even the liberal New York Times thinks so.” Of course he left out that he and his minions essentially wrote Miller’s piece for her. We only found that out years later.

Yeah, that was in Bossypants, by Tina Fey.

Part of the problem here is that "depression" is like "cancer" - there are a lot of things that might be happening in the brain that cause similar symptoms, but need totally different treatments.

nailed it

Carol Kane is EXACTLY my landlord, it's insane how on the nose she portrays a certain type of New Yorker, down to the '80s style racism and yuppie bloodlust.

It's a shame the show is so insanely racist we couldn't finish it. Some outlets have picked up on this, while others have chosen to strangely ignore it. We've got two hispanic women in the show and they're both maids. There's no joke. No commentary. They're just maids. You've got an Asian guy named "Dong" with broken

I hate to be that guy....but this seems a bit cruel

It seems awfully convenient that we're just now reinterpreting the results of this experiment to perfectly match our current social issue du jour.