Word. I make my boyfriend do the laundry and fold all the clothes while I clean everything else. I fucking hate folding. MAYBE MORTY LOVES FOLDING.
Now THIS seems like the way to solve all the world's problems. Down with hashtags, up with free spaghetti!!
As someone who ran from the second tower as it collapsed, can I just say WORST TWEETBEAT EVER. Everyone needs to STFU. Your remembrances cheapen the day for everyone who was actually effected, assholes.
Does this mean you should never leave your seat, ever? If, say, 30 people got up at once on a passenger plane, could this happen?
WHERE IS TWEETBEAT??!?!?!?!?!??!
If you want to be really creeped out, try getting Charlie Manson's catchy tune out of your head!