Pelican Threshold

''God, the Saviors are all such smug assholes.''
Well they're most likely in the same position as Rick's group: they've been tested before and even when facing setbacks they have always came out on top.
Rick himself was smug this episode but he gets the benefit of being someone we know and are more conditioned to root

Enid exists! I had forgotten.

If I'm not feeling the next episode I think I'm going to stop watching the show

I legitimately believe that Digimon World was better than any of the main Pokémon games

No thanks

I was really hoping to see Peter's smug grin completely wiped off his face when the votes were read, but instead had to settle for a smaller grin and then a sheepish one for the remainder of tribal.
Curse you disappointment, you win again!

In the never-ending crusade of nitpicking, Carrey has already finished filming the upcoming ''The Bad Batch'' directed by Ana Lily Amirpour.

Watching the blood marks on the trees as Tai was climbing had me waving my hands at the screen, trying in vain to make the horrifying site disappear.

That site is at least 4 years old.

Word is that due to ''production delays'', Weinstein is pushing back the theatrical and Netflix release to an undisclosed date.

I'd throw Sterling K. Brown in there too- his scenes so far have always impressed me.

I personally hated and would not recommend it, but she was in Ti West's ''The House of the Devil''

I think they got the speech right but the botch of Rick cutting off her hand just felt so sour. I understand I probably wouldn't be as upset had I not read the comics but just on a directorial level I thought that the sudden memories flashing in Rick's head (in blood red, no less!) landed with a thud. I feel that they

As someone who also reads the comics, this episode was very disappointing. I respect that they want to carve their own take on the series and applaud that decision, but when they ultimately decide to just slightly alter an event and fumble the execution in the process it is extremely disappointing as they might as

I believe the point is that it is no longer scary so why even bother making it a centerpiece when, like you said, it isn't the point of the series

Appreciated that they tried something different for the structure of 6A that didn't really work out overall for me but this episode really makes me worry that they've jumped the shark with the season as a whole.

''within the film's universe''
Tremblay nails the showing-up-but-not-showing-up delivery of his lines

I love the little touch that of all the kids Trump cycles through, the white and therefore only one he likes is the worst actor of the four within the film's universe

Muse: Look at me.

The comedy they mined from something as innocuous as someone trying to cross their eyes was incredible.