Pelican Threshold

Picked up A Separation after seeing the review here but was extremely disappointed.

Based on the preview, I can not wait to see Zach Woods take his performance to new heights next episode.

As we saw it, Sierra almost immediately threw out Tai's name when talking to Andrea and Cirie at the well and they just went with it.

The way Sarah explained it during pre-season press was that she had played a good social game the prior time that led to everyone thinking she was on their side at the merge and then she lost focus of her game and took too long to choose her side, which Tony used to his advantage after he found out she wanted to

Having Cochran be the person triumphantly emerging from the mystery of ''Who is that on the boat?'' was easily the best and worst choice they could have made.

They have a list of places to hide idols this season and Probst revealed that so long as an idol is found/played they'll just move on down the list. POSSIBLE SPOILER: Probst repeatedly mentioned that they may hide an idol at tribal council itself.

I think it illuminates that JT really needs a partner like Fishbach to ground him so he doesn't go too off the rails.

This was Caleb's third tribal council, not first.

Russell was the first player to play back to back, sight unseen, followed by Malcolm. When asked about Zeke and Michaela in preseason press, people acknowledged that they could be major threats because they were unknowns but nobody went on a big speech about how they needed to be the first ones to go.
I think that at

I don't see how that relates to my issue though. I watched the episode the day it was released, not several days later.

I'm really annoyed that you included ''fake penis'' in the headline as I saw it while scrolling through my newsfeed before I had watched the episode. It really spoiled it for me by giving away the *where* of where the story went even if it wasn't the *how*.

Still awaiting Jessa's ''business'' haircut I keep seeing in the HBO titlecard for this season.

Armisen's smug delivery of ''It's pronounced *Fred*'' is the kind of gloriously stupid one-off that slays me.

Ellison is behind Annapurna Pictures, not A24.

Little bizarre if the color palette was indeed brightened, as the darker tones in the original(?) went very well with the mood established.

It was confusing to see in the preview that Will was blowing up Jay's game by revealing his idol without any clue why he would do this, but lo and behold: Will voted for Jay! Hopefully we get some clarity on the sudden change of heart next episode.

Did anybody else catch that the baby sound effect during one of the skeleton dance breaks for David Pumpkins was the sample from ''Countdown at 6'' by Perrey and Kingsley most famously used in ''Are You That Somebody'' by Aaliyah?

Taissa Farmiga's been confirmed to return and my money's on her playing the real witch.

Are you alright?