
Guys, is it happening? Please tell me it’s happening.

Reason number 4,368 why a god that can just look down on this and not intervene can go fuck himself in his fake asshole.

I was 14 when Smells Like came out. I can’t even begin to describe how much of a game changer it was. They were fucking playing it in heavy rotation on hip-hop stations.

I just started watching Bob Ross on Netflix and it’s really helping.

Dottie fucking knew too. About all of it.

What stopped Ryan from saying nah fuck that and calling his own plays?

We’re getting attacked again, right?

The NFL is out to get us because we’ve never lost at home and have won the last 17 Super Bowls.

They played with lincoln logs?

GTFO and leave this be. The complexities behind a father son relationship are too numerous.

If these are the types if men that you’ve allowed (or continue to allow) in your life, you’re doing it wrong.

Anyone move to New Zealand? Seems more doable than Canada.

By all logical reasoning he shouldn’t see the field with broken ribs. But grit and stuff and numbing drugs.

You still fucking smoke bro?

Didn’t Bill beat his wife and stuff? Why does he get a free pass?

Cool move toughguybros!

Fuck you Texas. Just...fuck you.

Good. The sooner the era of the douchebro comes to an end, the better.

Cool. Really looking forward to jostling with more over geared dorks at the start line.

We are still hung up on this when we know for a fact that he is heavily involved with NAMBLA?