
Black women from the South that read it when I was 11 and loved it. For me its like Forest Gump, watching as a kid and then as an adult makes it two different movies. Likewise as a kid Scarlett was that bitch, and fuck anybody that got in her way. I mean sure she had this thing for bitch ass Ashley but she got over it

Or when my white friends straight up clutched their pearls at the mention of going to one of the "black clubs" in Houston. "I wouldn't feel comfortable" as I look around at the sea white faces or the fact that the "soristitutes" we had met had no problem going. It was the one and only time I've told my friends they

Ya I feel bad for her too, like something somewhere got broken to the point she thinks his money is worth her dignity. I mean I get gold digging to a point but you have to still look at yourself and accept that you willingly let someone that hates your people touch you.

He owes that trainer all the beer forever.

Ha I'm doubly cursed 5'2" size 10 wtf nature. But yes flats FO EVAH!! And I never wear makeup and yet still consider myself a woman.

Ya Jaime threw a small child out of window. I've always viewed him as a dark grey man.

See I don't see Cersei as victim because she doesn't if that makes sense. The awesome thing about the books is we get character POV, and Cersei is a straight up asshole at best. Joffrey was every bit her monster, remember in season one when she tells him her can have whores or virgins when he's king because he can do

I know my great grandmother would crawl out of the grave and whoop my ass for "disrespecting God's house" I remember her telling my 30 year old mother to go change because people know us.

Which is why I tell everyone to fuck under a maypole in a field for easter. Although I fill like the war on Beltane was a real war that involved dead people, but I guess not being able to annoy the shit out of everyone is the same thing.

Because this is my reality:

Oh you think now she can have a real baby instead of her dead eyed abomination? Real talk how she talks about her son's autism has to be like a close second to all the anitvaxxer bullshit. Plus I feel unclean for saying this but Jim Carey is hotter yes?

The one that pisses me off the most is "witty" vs "sassy"

I'm sorry but I find her sooo overrated. Literally any other starving actress could replace her.

I know I can't even process the thought process that goes into quotas for bad shit i.e. tickets, prisons, or detainees.

She's a real life Cersei Lannister? How sad for us peasants.

You know I think he Is sorry, just like every other abusive piece of shit is "sorry" This is so fucking textbook abuser. I'm sure he was truly and surely "sorry" the other times he abused her. Not enough to get therapy or anything.

Ha me too! It's all fun and games till you watch your kitty overlord bury his shit or play with a cockroach.

Oh man I was at the grovert store today and for a laugh I went to the foundation section, and I swear every shade was beige. I think covergirl had every shade of white from paper white to tan then made a jump to cocoa tan. That's it one shade of brown for all of POCdom. I dont understand major cosmetic companies, the

You know I used to sorta lean on the "Halle crazy" boat but then all that Charlie Sheen shit went down. I feel like people forget that everyone and their mama said Denise Richards was a crazy,evil, malicious bitch that gave women a bad name and was basically the MRA poster child for life ruining baby mamas. Remember

Don't stifle yourself Burt it's unamerican. Also 32 and no Mrs. Overcompensator, tsk tsk time to quit fucking around and a put a kitten in that pic.