
Couple thoughts as aFaith Hill fan I refuse to acknowledge that horrible rumor against the marriage of Diva Arms and Cowboy Hat with Stubble. Second the truely evil part of me hopes beiber is the father of mileys nonexistent baby. Could you imagine it? Canadian talented but tasteless trash meets American talented but

Oh my gosh yes, he was so fucking awful. I just couldn't with Arthur. Plus it didn't help that in my opinion Morgan was totally the better choice. Its like Arthur is some country bumpkin nobody knew about and the kingdom is just supposed to accept him on face value. Agh I can't not even for Eva Green. Please god let

Ya but this is literally the South Texas bro to a T. I'm dating one, apparently.

That awkward moment when you look over at your dude and think fuck how'd you get in here Houston bro? Then you realize your inner monologue refers to him as "dude".

Ah the "mouth is a mouth" school of thought. In my experience its a group of middle school aged boys doing on each other until they find a girl who will do it. Then its over, never happened, beat the shit out of the one that was actually gay for having the balls to catch feelings and then say them aloud, and bask in

so can't post a video, ugh. Anyhoo this reminded me of the Clinton Final Days vid. My fav part is Hillary.

nvmd kinja

Ugh I really hate Kinja sometimes, I swear I posted the pattern info on here and now its gone into the void. Anyhoo its a Frankenstein pattern of this this and this. But it was put together by a poster named Jule I'm not sure she would want me to post her notes but I pm'd her and she gave them to me. She seemed nice

As far as I know I don't have fertility issue but "So Hard" makes me ugly cry every time. I feel like that whole album should be required listening.

The Dixie Chicks are literally the only band I've ever wanted to see in concert. I'm talking since Ready to Run. Now when I'm finally at a point in my life that I can do it, Texas Monthly did this to me.

I know of one such horrible instant when my Black Southern Belle cousin married a Scotsman and bore him 3 sons (abomination!). Adorable boys in kilts and cornrows, the horror the horror!

Maybe acting like a smug asshole means people will be openly gleeful about certain misfortunes? I'm pretty sure no one was happy about Amy Poehler's divorce or Anne Hathaway's break up with that criminal guy. Shit I think Nicole Kidman might be an ethereal space alien but I sure as hell felt for her when she divorced

Ha I was thinking at this point her son is gonna have to change his name, move to another state, and say he's a dog walker/janitor if he ever wants to marry or procreate.

I wish I could find it but there's this scene in Pillars of the earth where a woman in medieval times is falsely imprisoned by a bunch of asshole/rapey monks. Her man gets her released. But before she leaves she walks on top of a table, squats down, and pisses in the head douche monks face. And thats how I feel about

"When you go to Paris and your concierge sends you to some restaurant because they get a kickback, it's like, 'No. Where should I really be? Where is the great bar with organic wine? Where do I get a bikini wax in Paris?'"

Hey hey now Stranglehold is a bitchin song that said any rocker willing to do a note for note cover with just a different singer? Seriously I love the shit out of that song, just remake it so I can live my life without a Nugent stain on it.

Lady named Jule on Ravelry Frankensteined this together from like 3 patterns. I pm'ed her for notes on spacing so not sure if she'd be okay with me giving her notes. But here's her link on the blanket she seems nice I'm sure she'd share if asked. Jule and this poster redqueen did it too with a lot of notes.

Cried myself to sleep over this bad boy.

Jealous and wish that wool didn't make me itchy as fuck.

Behold The Never Ending Blanket, I was a young woman when I started that innocence is dead. Here's the porno shot of what it will be.