
So boxing is dead, right? There’s no way this becomes the premier fight of the year (I’m expecting it will crush all other PPVs this year) if the sport is healthy and relevant. They need to take the fighter of his generation, somebody who still hasn’t lost a match (though has very carefully handpicked his opponents)

What?! You mean a sexist and misogynistic show like Entourage is made by people who are sexist and misogynistic?!

Kerr also added: Except for the ‘96 Bulls. Those guys, especially the guys coming off the bench, would have crushed this team.

Over time, Theseus repaired his ship until every piece of it was replaced. Was it still the same ship?

I’ve been a regular Deadspin reader for a decade and never commented. But I this is the first time I’ve ever felt a pro sport was rigged even though I know it is obviously not rigged. So this long comment.

I thought you were going to say “I knew it was going to be terrible and badly directed”

What’s less noticeable than kneeling? Sitting?

There’s still going to be a lot of morons convinced his “publicity scheme” backfired, hurr hurr. But of course, these are the same morons that object to racism being decried while pretending to just be decent, God-fearing folk (always just a torch, pitchfork, and an excuse away from monstrousness).

You’re being annoyingly pedantic.

Yes. He was protesting respectfully, and then went out of his way to find an even more respectful way to protest. He was very classy about the whole thing. I think that’s one of the reasons so many people are confused and don’t know how to properly react, so they just go with ignorant hatred. It’s a very popular

It’s absurd watching these sportswriters turn themselves into pretzels to avoid the obvious. Strip away all their bullshit and here are the facts: a black quarterback who once started a Super Bowl began protesting this country’s racial injustices and then (probably) never played in the league ever again. I despair for

Would the name of a quarterback who is simultaneously underqualified and overqualified for every NFL team be “Schrodinger’s Kaep”?

A video game executive that doesn’t truly understand gamers?

These are the same type of idiots who think Syrian refugees can easily come in to the US and claim refugee status.

Breaking News: Rudy Giuliani now calling for the abolishment of the TSA, citing executive overreach.


The joke is that there was news this morning that McGregor “agreed to terms with Dana White” on said fight and was reported by places like ESPN in a tone that suggested this was a major step in the fight happening, when in reality McGregor is already under contract with White and his having to agree to however many

Trump gave up more intel in 5 minutes with the Russians than John McCain did in 5 years of torture from the North Vietnamese.

Wait, is somebody actually trying to solve a problem before it gets out of hand and the government has to get involved? Are they allowed to do that?

He should rename himself to Wayne, cuz he ain’t got no D!