
“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

Brock was the worst QB in the league last year (or Goff if he threw enough passes). You don’t even need to make “what if we can make them play like 2014" again projections for Kaep and Cutler. Even in bad seasons for terrible teams they were better than Osweiler playing with a good team.

Calm your tits, not all of us are teens doing duckface, sometimes you want to capture a moment and there’s no one around.

This 11-year-old kid just put together more tangible thought and words than the fucking President of our country has at any point in his life.

Neutral here. The penalty given for Suarez was a disgrace, and there were clear penalties not given for PSG. So maybe Pique can shut the fuck up about refs for the rest of his life.

*Nods, steadfastly refuses to change anything the next time around.*

Now playing

Sure it had nothing to do with the referee? If you thought the Scandal at Stamford Bridge was bad they found a way to send UEFAlona through. Even Suarez thought he was being booked for simulation. Utterly embarassing but fully expected.

Really? Because it looks like the white kid got away with harassing a classmate and wasn’t punished for that. Seems like a win to me; a win for white supremacy that is.

That’s just journalist Clark Kent. Is he some kind of hero? I’ve never thought his Planet stuff was particularly heroic, so unless he has some kind of secret identity that nobody has told me about, I don’t see what you are getting at.

Fuck off.

And when you think you’re done fucking off, fuck off even further. Fuckhead.

Side note: Black Widow may be just a boring human, but marvel has shown that they can get behind a story with just a human (ahem Daredevil). If anything, a Black Widow movie could be a spy thriller on steroids. And people will see that. They keep seeing those Bond films- so why not a black widow movie?

Because our side generally tells the truth and the truth isn’t easy or pretty or simple. The world economy has changed. Well paying industry jobs for people with a high school diploma are not coming back. Climate change is happening. We need to reduce our reliance of fossil fuels even if it’s going to cost us jobs at

Kelly Anne Conway thought it was a good idea to leave the house this morning dressed like a nutcracker, why the fuck would I take any of her advice?

You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.

As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.


Tyrod: “Doc, I need you to fix it, but not in a way that really fixes it. I need it to still be hurt for the next three months.”

Chip Kelly wasn’t fired though. According to Jed York, the Santa Clara 49ers are a design-centric organization undergoing a paradigm shift, one that requires a pivot away from old influencers in order to regain traction in an emerging market!

“We shoulda had more time.”

You know things are bad when Jim Harbaugh comes out looking like the sane one in the relationship.