Peggy's Pizza House

Ugh, I forgot that I did that to Nicole Kidman once. It was 2006 or so, pretty late at night and she was shooting a movie in DC (looks like it was The Invasion — never saw it). I was in a taxi going around one of the circles (probably Washington Circle), and there she was filming on the sidewalk. I swear to god my jaw

. . . who isn't?

Also fun fact (which maybe everyone knows but I just learned?): "For What It's Worth" was inspired by yutes in LA protesting a 10pm curfew on bars on Sunset. The Vietnam War it was not.

I didn't have strong feelings about him from Jezebel, though I did expect him to be a bit more biting. But on the podcast he actually comes across as being quite kind and thoughtful — and funny (to me, anyway).

I just started listening! I think it's pretty funny — what I really appreciate is that the two hosts aren't cruel about their subjects and instead mock the whole silly celebrity-making apparatus and all the little goofy things D-list celebs have to do to get paid. I'd say try it out as a background listen and see.

That's worse than seeing your therapist in a thong at the beach.

Everything I know about the Korean War I learned from my boss.

So . . . because those aspects aren't present in this case, it's a surefire slam dunk?

It worked out so well in Iraq!

Thank you for putting into words what I've been feeling. It's hard to look at her.

Those would be the fillers.

Jesus, the photos of the Black Dahlia murder bothered me less than this.

Because none of us want to turn a Blondi to such a mangeled statement.

Begrudging upvote


You only get the mattress if you pay a $75 upcharge.

God, even women's underwear is marketed towards white men. See: Victoria's Secret.

Ugh, every fucking time. I'm about halfway through the first book and it's some of the best writing I've ever come across. The way the author doesn't shy away from showing the dark underbelly of adolescent female friendships is really refreshing and feels so novel. Nothing is sugarcoated.

Hmm, pretty bad. Husband and I recently took a trip back East (we're from upstate NY) and excitedly treated ourselves to some DD. We kind of quietly ate our donuts for a couple moments until one of us finally broke the silence and admitted out loud that. . . they just weren't very good.

Your grandmother sounds awesome.