Peggy's Pizza House

Oh, Fox.

Yes, bubble tea originated in Taiwan.

In other words, cool millennials will be able to watch Fox online with YouTube TV, and stuffy gen-Xers will be able to watch YouTube videos with their cable box.

It works on so many levels!

Oh god, I just listened to that episode of My Favorite Murder (shudder)

I'm getting verklempt.

He's definitely a Ryan Seacrest Type!

Not today, Satan

The sausage king of Chicago would say that.

YES Grace and Frankie! Didn't expect to love that show, but when I ran out of episodes I was actually a bit distraught.


I think yes.

Jesus, what is wrong with human beings.

I clicked on this for the cat pic.

Sense and Sensibility is so good and so romantic, especially the Kate Winslet/Alan Rickman storyline. He loves her immediately, her love for him develops over time . . . beautiful.

Oh my god, the shirts.

For me, the fact that they're not that interesting is part of what made the movie. Taken out of their comfort zones and routines and culture, and with pretty much nothing to do, and stripped of whatever narrative they had in their heads about themselves, they were kind of nothing. They weren't interesting, and in

I'm in the same place as you with Lost in Translation. I first saw it when I was studying abroad in Beijing and I connected so strongly to the main character's experiences — even just her ride into Tokyo from the airport was extremely powerful to me. It really evoked the feelings of fascination and culture shock,

If a 'non-hate-filled bigot' so easily turns and runs into the arms of a demonstrably racist, xenophobic, etc., candidate, just because someone started talking about real shit and asked them to examine their preconceived notions, maybe they actually were a hate-filled bigot all along.

Mickey Rooney?