
EXACTLY. I don’t know when the “I don’t need no stinkin’ expert” phenomenon began and I can only hope it’ll reach its zenith soon, but I wish people would even consider the notion that a layperson cannot correctly assess everything. If you are even remotely familiar with diagnostic criteria, let alone discerning it in

If you can’t afford to tip 20% then you can’t afford to eat out.

The anti-vax movement also has a lot to do with feelings of superiority - which is an extremely common byproduct of being wealthy and white. They think of themselves as discerning parents who care more about their children than others who haven’t done their 30 minutes of anti-vax propaganda Google research. If 99% of

But wasn’t the whole point that Bundy was more than “vaguely likable?” that is how he was able to victimize so many woman, by getting them to trust him. 

Women dying is a feature, not a bug.

It’s amazing how being pregnant increases your chances of being killed. Something like 20% of pregnant women deaths are by homicide. In comparison 6% of deaths are homicides for women of comparable age who are not pregnant.

If this many Americans died in plane crashes a year, there would be groundings and all sorts of news/investigations. Hell, they grounded the Boeing 787 for two months because it *could* have caused fatalities. But domestic violence? No one cares enough to even try to prevent or minimize it.

Yeah, plus the worst people know how to game the “real victim” thing. psychopaths are less likely to be found guilty of crimes because they are so good at acting in the way they are “supposed” to act

I absolutely think Holtzclaw targeted victims he thought would be less likely to be believed. He preyed on poor, minority women - many of whom had some kind of criminal record - because he knew they would be less likely to come forward and he thought he would get away with it.

“During her testimony, she became very emotional and cried. You could just see something different in her when she started talking about the rape and when it happened,” said Speaks.

The disgusting things his family and their supporters are saying about the victims practically gives me a rage stroke. The jury convicting him, was sacrificing a good man to the BLM horde, has got to be the best. Because POC wield so much power an innocent man was set up and convicted just to get back at white

I haven’t announced this to my family yet but I’m bursting with excitement and anxiety and nerves so I just have to tell someone

Simple. All midwives should be trained and certified through accredited medical and nursing programs.

How is she in the movie if she’s dead? How do we know she loves karaoke if she’s dead? Why are there dead marines in a movie about Mother’s Day??

Oh yeah, when I was in high school, the guy who ran for mayor ran on the platform of fixing our opiate problem. Our opiate problem had died with all the kids who overdosed 3 years before I started high school. Granted, it isn’t a bad plan. Scare parents into voting for you. “Solve” a problem that unfortunately solved

‘City Councilman Nnamdi Chukwuocha told the paper that the community wasn’t doing enough to the impact of violence on girls’ lives: “We need to address the needs of the young women. As of right now, I don’t think we’re doing that.”’

Well, the e-mail didn’t come with a completed essay attached.

That sure seems plausible. But if the “gentleman” in question is thinks feminism and gender studies are boring and uninteresting, at a school as big as UCLA there have to be a bevy of other courses he could have taken to fulfil a diversity requirement. X-studies, obviously, but I’d also think there’s has to be a

I don't think stupid is his only problem. I would add lazy and spoiled to the list.

The fact that his mommy is taking out the ad to help him is very telling. He'll fail, but he lives in Bel-Air, so I am sure mommy and daddy can help him land on his feet. And now I'm depressed.