
Add in a line that says “I believe you; it’s not your fault” and I would agree completely.

“He had made no secret that he wanted sex with you”

She told her to tell a counselor at school but didn’t tell her that school counselors are mandatory reporters.

What part of. “Stop, it hurts,” constitutes a breakdown in communication? And this whole, both parties made mistakes bullshit is sickening. This rapist doesn’t need a stern talk from his parents outside of, “when a girl\woman says no and, stop, you’re hurting me, take your fucking hands off of her and take some time

That first one got it tho.

Cheryl Tiegs used to be a spokeswoman for Virginia Slims cigarettes so I think I'm gonna take a hard pass on her advice for what's healthy.

I don’t care if you like their clothes but saying that people who wear those clothes HATE THEMSELVES is shitty and antifeminist. Don’t judge women by what they wear.

I have a ton of their clothes because they’re well made, last forever, fit well, and are appropriate for work. I don’t hate myself. I do have a job that requires me to have a reasonable business casual wardrobe and I don’t want to spend my life hunting down khakis and cardigans, especially when I can just order a new

No, they want them to grow up and become a good wife and mother.

This is the letter I just sent. They need to know liberals like $30 khakis too.

Lands End was just on my good list too after they made a line of girls science/astronomy clothing that wasn’t insulting.

They’re back on my shit list.

He also was a police officer so besides giving him inside info, it’s also possible it gave him some protection.

Exactly. Not getting into trouble doesn’t mean he never did any wrong... just never got caught.

I’m not sure why the father thinks him having friends that are black is relevant - even if I have black friends was a defence against being racist. As far as I know no one is claiming he raped black women because he hates black people. He raped black women of a certain social status because he knew they were less

Yeah, it's a shock to those who know them personally, but statistically, it's not shocking at all. Everyone is law-abiding until they commit a crime. Stating that over and over again is just bad journalism.

I didn’t get to marry Prince William and now I am not a princess. I hope I can control the impulse to commit hideous crimes because I’m so disappointed. I would have been a law abiding princess!

I met this guy as he was writing this trash! He was in Enid and came in to the Walgreens where I work. Said he was from Chicago doing a story on Holtzclaw. He bought travel-size Treseme hair gel.

So the logic of the guy writing the story was that the dude played Division II NCAA football, tried and failed to get into the NFL in 2008-09 (just like 96%+ of college football players, and nearly 100% Division II), went through the training to be a police officer and got a job, and suddenly became so depressed about

Yeah, that’s it. If the NFL would’ve just let him in he could've just led a successful life getting free passes for beating women, instead of being convicted of raping them.