
Why is it always about, “I’m not paying for anyone to—-(social need here)—-? We have more food being produced than can be consumed, but we keep it away from the hungry because, “I’m not paying...” We have the disabled and mentally ill living on the street because “I’m not paying...” The number one reason for

That’s great that she is empowered by her body. I just wish she was empowered by something other than her looks. about women just keep calling attention to this repetitive and near-constant bullshit until men are shamed into ceasing to put their dicks ahead of basic respect in the workplace.

Not good enough, duh. That’s why he did the rapings.

But more importantly, how good a football player was he in college?


It always makes me feel sick to my stomach when fathers have this kind of possessive, lecherous view of their own daughters, and make a lot of allusions to their sexual purity and beauty. Just—your own parent seeing your primary worth as a person being your value as a compliant and fuckable little wife for someone is

...and here come the comments which both completely prove the point of the article and justify its existence!

It’s a very childish interpretation of god, no? If only she could see how infantilized she sounds, both in dealing with her sexuality and her idea of what god cares about. Sex is not candy before lunch, lady. And god is not your mom.

The “reflexive” support is largely based on Kesha’s story being like thousands of others we’ve all heard- there’s more than enough to believe Luke is a phenomenal pile of shit. When someone is lying about rape or abuse, those stories ring differently and have a tendency to fall apart sooner or later. So far the only

If someone who fits the profile of an abuser (has power over many women, hides from the public eye, has clear arrogance and self-aggrandization issues, etc) is accused of raping someone and then threatening to destroy their career (which he absolutely had the power to do) in order to coerce them to lie, the fact that

My father sent a text to me, my mother, and my sister today. It was a picture of a subway ad for those period panties (I forget what they’re called). He said something about it sinking to a new low. I questioned him on it, then proceeded to go into a full on rant about how periods are natural/not gross, about half of

Why are men always asking us to remember that a couple of women have lied about being raped but forget that virtually all rapists have lied about raping someone?

He’s not going to care when the inevitable MRA sock army sends her endless rape and death threats. He’ll pretend he had absolutely nothing to do with it, that it was her own fault, that she shouldn’t have done the same to him.

I will wear my thermal night gown.

This is kind of apples to oranges. It’s one thing to have conventions or rules about what one wears in a business setting, and these typically apply to men and women. If you show up to your business formal workplace in a skin-tight tube dress, that is not appropriate, but I don’t think anyone would argue that your

I am confused. Why would I force a person to play basketball with me if he/she was dressed like a basketball player? Does that happen? Forced basketballery?

Like the Bechdel Test: The lowest possible bar, glued firmly to the floor, and we still can’t fucking step over it without face-planting.

It’s so fucked up because she wasn’t even trying to bring criminal charges against him. She was trying to win the right, for herself, to work with anyone else. You would think that really, really, superlatively low bar would be within reach...