
Dear screenwriters and producers and Hollywood decision-makers. I am a white woman and I would watch the shit out of a movie that told the story of the women in this picture. They don’t have to suffer to sell tickets.

I know!!!!!!!!! I mean, does this guy even hear himself? If your argument would work as dialogue for a villain in a Dickens story, you may need to reevaluate your life.

“I shouldn’t have to see the pain, struggle, and despair of homeless people to and from my way to work every day.”

But, you know, they’re the logical and rational ones and it’s us women who are ruled by our emotions.

You should ask your daughter to examine the genitals of every other female in the bathroom, then, just to be sure that she is not in the presence of the trans-people. I mean, if you’re going to take the time to be outraged and care that much that there are people whose gender is not the same as what they were

Here’s the thing: I teach at a university and have had transgender students in my classes. If a student is receiving hormone therapy and has for some time, it is very, very likely that that student can “pass” (which is an imperfect term, but you get what I mean) for the gender they’re living as. I would never have

Trans girls aren't young men. And, if they're going through any hormonal changes, it's probably the same ones your daughter would be going through, because we have modern medicine now that does such things. So, how about you either take a chill pill, or have the decency to own your transphobia. Don't hide behind your

One room for boys! One room for girls! Intersex people get to shit in a cupboard!

Trans women aren’t men, so shouldn’t be a problem for your hypothetical teenage daughter.

A “young woman” would not be using a shared bathroom with “young men” - a transgendered person would be using it with one (and only one) of those groups.

The worst thing about meeting different kinds of people is that you start to think of them as, in fact, people.

“MP Detained Under Section 2 of Mental Health Act Following Ridiculous Gun Tweet- He’d Been At the Sherry And Rewatching The Sopranos Reveals Embarrassed Wife.”


Am I seriously in the minority here? I thought last night’s episode was fantastic! It had everything, explosions! Death! Firewater! Daryl! Glenn yet again escaped death by a narrow margin! Daryl!

‘Bright-eyed American stars and British unknowns’


At least three of those could pretty much be rephrased as: JANE has tragically decreased her value as a decorative object by living her life as if she were a human being.

Stupid, sexy Flanders!

It doesn’t. Fucking. Matter. If he was “no angel”. Can you not follow your own philosophy back, from your statement, back to its inevitable conclusion? The man was still entitled to arrest, counsel, and a trial and/or medical intervention. That you seem to shrug and espouse a mentality of “human garbage got swept

TBH the most upsetting thing about this video is the implication that we can control the thermostats in our offices.