
...and where, in the article, or any other article related to it, does Malala make this US-centric? Malala is Pakistani, and she now resides in the UK. The conference is for world leaders. I know this may be hard to believe, but not everything revolves around the USA. Not even with the current gravitational pull of a


The phrase “eat a cheeseburger” is so incredibly obnoxious and body-shame-y. She’s naturally very thin, always has been, probably always will be. There are things that can rightfully said about her as far as her opinions and actions, but I don't understand why her body always has to be brought into it.

this story is disgusting, but so is your joke.

Ah, the present pluperfect subjunctive.

“These are humans that had experiences that coincided with the passing of time from which rotations of the earth have allowed distance to be created”

No, “women” as a whole are neither better at nor worse at anything than men are, but each of us has our own individual strengths or weaknesses (GASP I KNOW).

ARGH. Just because I don’t want prayer in public schools or the ten commandments on the wall at my DMV or your fucking religion in my face doesn’t mean I’m attacking your fucking religion! It’s like these “All Lives Matter” people - Black Lives Matter isn’t attacking you! It’s just pointing out what should be obvious!

Weird how?

Like, I kind of agree but I’m wondering if people who find it a little creepy have different reasons than I do. For me, I’m squicked out by the relentless insistence on sexualizing a woman at every stage of her life, *even* when she’s about to birth another human. Like...can we catch a break for five

Fuck it, if I win the lotto I’m buying that and spending every day getting drunk and pretending I’m Newman in Jurassic Park.

Team Cat Headquarters here,

You haven’t earned it, though. ; )

As another little lesbian family, I second this message.

In our little lesbian family we don’t divide things by gender. Whoever does it best,does it. My lovely wife can’t fix a damn thing, and I’m as cliche as they come with my toolbelt. She spots me on the ladder.

That’s like peak caring-about-boners thinking.

It’s kinda more like, there’s no more locked doors because that is illegal, but there are still really heavy doors, or doors that jam and only open a crack, or doors with special handles that only penises can open, or doors that will grab your ass when you walk through.

Stories about elderly gay couples finally being able to marry result in me crying about 97% of the time, topped only by heroic dog stories (98.5% chance of crying).

Starring Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen!

:-) Awwwwww

I’m so glad you two found each other! And bless you for being willing and able to dedicate so much time and expense to his care.