This made me smile so hard :-)
This made me smile so hard :-)
I don’t fucking respect those people. If you’re using your “I was a rape baby” story for ANY abortion argument other than “every individual woman has the right to choose what to do about their own unplanned/unwanted pregnancy,” you can fuck right off. The contexts of their mothers’ decisions is also kinda relevant…
I fucking cannot with any of these people. I’m actually probably the most disgusted with the people who were conceived during rape who now oppose abortion. Cool, glad that you think your existence is more important than rape victims having a choice. COOL STORY.
All due respect to these women conceived via rape but I don’t have one fuck to give about their opinions on this matter. I care about the women who are looking at being forced to carry their rapist’s babies and give birth to them. Those are the women this is about. Screw this asshole and these women for thinking their…
My cat just told me to tell you to check your privilege.
The comments weren’t just about being invisible - ie not being street harassed at all - there were comments from people whose first experience of it wasn’t being punished by men for their perceived fuckability, but also being punished by men for their perceived unfuckability. e.g. the first time I was aware of being…
Unfortunately, for the trendsetters, it can’t be about the results. It’s about the action. You did everything you could do to make the Peace Corp, and the government of Burkina Faso look at your case. It was miserable because it was first.
It will be a little easier for the second, who will make it easier for the…
King of Queens is one of my guilty pleasures when I catch it on syndication. I genuinely enjoy James’ shlubby earnestness and the way Rimini plays off him. I know it’s another dumpy guy/hot lady pairing on its face and Hollywood is terrible about that, but they’re both so flawed and their chemistry so believable that…
During a recent transaction, an elderly woman handed me a twenty and said, with eyes a’twinklin’ “Did you hear they might put a woman on the 20 dollar bill? I’d love to see that before I go...” And then we both melted into a puddle of feelings.
This whole thread is making me feel like I live in an alternative universe. Most women I know IRL would say that are not a feminist. The vast majority of mothers in my neighborhood are traditional stay-at home, and people cannot *comprehend* that I kept my name when I got married - I mean, they generally cannot…
This is a story of how one of the worst days of my life ended up reaffirming my faith in strangers and in the human race in general.
yesss. We shouldn't treat women and girls like objects that can be won with persistence. It's a garbage precedent to set. Women aren't the supporting characters in your story, they're the stars of their own. ya dig?
For people like Eddie Murphy to stop worrying about poor widdle Billy's "bruised ego" and refusing to "kick a [rapist] when he's down"—and start caring exponentially more about the damage he has caused, the harm he has inflicted upon his victims, and if/when BC will own up to being a rapist.
But did they put their thing down, flip it and reverse it?
Good for you! I used to train and mentor staff in my old job and was responsible for promoting women (not exclusively women, but...) from assistant jobs through to executive roles. I always counseled them to resist doing the coffee/ party/ cleaning work, going so far as to finally assign those tasks specifically,…
Your voice is a drop in a bucket though. If you wouldn't raise your children to be bigoted, racist, sexist, etc assholes then you are obviously not the type of person this article is talking about. Yeah, both religious and non-religious people can be and raise assholes, but the study this article is reviewing does a…
Wow. I mean, the research did find that secular adults were more likely than religious adults to accept the science behind global warming, and to support equality for women and gay people. That isn't a notion or stereotype, it was based on research. If you aren't aware or won't accept that many branches of religion…
Mrs is pretty fucking offensive. As is Miss. But even if we get rid of salutations which announce female marital status, remind me why we need gendered salutations to begin with?