
That keyboard is ugly.

You’ve used twitter quotes for the Genki Switch Dock Charge, but the link you provided is for a different brand.

You’ve used twitter quotes for the Genki Switch Dock Charge, but the link you provided is for a different brand.

It was hard to get out... but once I was able to stop playing this game, I haven’t looked back. Never touching it again due to the FOMO.

Yeah, it’s nice to see some changes to Crustle. There was basically no reason to go with stealth rock and rock tomb, as the other two moves are so damn good.

Golf Story is a great game. I’ve been playing it for the past week or so in small bursts. The description in this article is pretty accurate.

Golf Story is a great game. I’ve been playing it for the past week or so in small bursts. The description in this

You honestly could have even sold that slip of paper too. Hindsight is 20/20 though. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

I love the switch pro controller, but the d-pad is a bit inconsistent. The 8bidto Sn30 Pro+ controller is a great controller for this game (and anything that requires a d-pad). It’s great for PC gaming as well!

They don’t play anything else.

I am pretty glad they added this to the game. At my point in life, I don’t have to time to fight a boss multiple times in order to move forward.

Did the dev push the release date back? No matter, its been on my wishlist since it was first reported on. Same creator as the twin stick shooter Assault Android Cactus+, so white it may be a change of pace for the Dev, I think its awesome that they are branching out.

That keyboard is kinda ugly.

That keyboard is kinda ugly.

It looks like his whole body is made out of different bugsnacks. I wouldn’t be surprised if he fell into the two kids in a trench-coat trope.

While I agree with Ash’s view on game difficulty, I really think they should give soulsborne games a shot. My first playthrough of DS1 took me 50 hours and it was phenomenal. There were so many highs as lows, but by the end of the game I knew every map and encounter like the back of my hand. I started NG+ (to unlock

You’ve got to consider heat index (temperature vs humidity), rather than just the average temperature of a season. Because Japan has VERY humid summers, a temperature of 95F at 75% humidity will “feel” like 128F. If you don’t believe me, check out this heat index calculator from the NOAA.

You’re describing Monster Hunter Stories on the n3DS. I believe a smartphone version of this game was also released.

Yeah, the switch tax is quite annoying, but then again, I bought got a switch so that I can play Nintendo games. I haven’t really had any problem with finding used copies of popular Nintendo IPs for ~$30 as well, it just takes time and patience.

Nice to see Kero Kero Bonito get more recognition. I love their music.

Yeah, I would take game manual to school so as a kid and read them and show them to my friends. I remember buying Skyrim on release day, and was disappointed to find it the box only had a disc and a map (which I framed).

They way I see it, Rimworld focuses more on settler management while dwarf fortress focuses on industry and base building.