
Yeah I just don’t know how I would get up there. Plus even when I was young and limber, and probably could have clambered onto a sink or sink counter, I wouldn’t have trusted it to hold me. Empty container sounds much more doable! And less hazardous.

How do you do that? It’s way too much work to get up there, and I’d be worried my weight would break the sink. Much more practical to either wait your turn or double-up like when you were kids.

My stomach turned just seeing Rolling Rock and gin in the same sentence so I feel you on reeling from past events.

How’s the weather up there? But yeah, I am also short (5’0”) and pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to pull this off even if I wanted to do so. Which I really, really wouldn’t.

Me too. My suspicion is you sit on the counter kind of over the sink, and that a minidress is an essential part of the equation.

.... “but stay away from our sinks!” :)

Yeah that makes sense I guess. I am not coordinated so I still wouldn’t try.

Yeah; I don’t know! Since I did not grow up with bidets, I always thought I might get caught! Like the hostel housekeepers would walk in as I was crouching, and cross themselves and call on the Virgin’s sainted mercy!!

I'm too short to pee in a sink. I would pee myself trying to climb onto the counter to get to the sink. It seems way too awkward. But good for you for having an alternative!

Is peeing in a bidet even a big deal though? I mean we use them to wash off pee and poop remains... one wouldn’t want to do it all the time, but as long as you rinse thoroughly, I don’t see any real thing there.

I’m 5’2”. I have no idea how this is even possible.

I have never peed in a sink. Possibly, I have lived a more sheltered life than I knew because I did not even know that peeing in sinks was something people did. I have peed in a cup and dumped it in the toilet when I was desperate and it was occupied, but using the sink was not something I ever even considered.

I can’t really remember a time I did pee in the sink but that doesn’t rule it happening out because I’m sure I have when I was drunk.

If you can’t even use the word feminist you’re probably not going to fight very hard when men take away all those reproductive and professional choices. They’ve obviously made you afraid of words, so.

I am unable to perch, so sink-peeing would be a disaster for me.

bathtub peeing is where it’s at yooooooooo

I haven’t, but only because I can’t think of a time when there’s been a solid opportunity. I certainly won’t rule it out in the future.

Aww. Look at the dudes telling her the correct word to use. It’s wonderful when they step in and tell women what they really mean to say.

Dear Elizabeth,

Embrace the label Elizabeth. There’s nothing to be afraid of.