
I think humanity will be fine. The fact that the Kardashians provide entertainment for the public is frankly pretty harmless. Human beings have always needed ludicrous things to entertain them, from spy flicks to bubblegum pop. I’m pretty sure that stupid cat videos are basically right above food and shelter in

Ya know, some of the Mitford sisters were NAZI sympathizers yet I would still trade the Kardashians for them.

I think it’s the fact that the Kardashians are inconsequential and yet have been elevated to their current status by the masses that makes people upset. It makes me upset. If the masses find these assholes even mildly entertaining, then the masses have a laughably, pathetically low intellectual stimulation threshold.

Uggh. And rightly so. A hundred years feom now, when they discuss how brain dead America went in the early 21st century, the Kardashians will be exhibit A.

I don’t really get the Kardashians and their popularity. I don’t watch the show, I don’t have the apps, etc. They are clearly great at selling their brand. But it seems so boring.

Where the hell else are we going to get bad ideas for sex acts delivered with that much alliteration? “Thirty-Six Ways to Drive Your Man WILD” doesn’t fucking write itself, you know.

It is the First Family for trashy people. Like the kind who buy Cosmo. I’m sure the Obamas got a good laugh out of it.

I think they might actually like the Kardashians, too. Michelle did an interview with Terrence J and she stated her girls love watching the E! channel.

it’s a nightmarish cycle, innit?

I’ve never seen any of the Kardashian shows (I think I saw a sneaker ad with Kim and Kris once?), so I have no personal stake in the War of Kardashian Independence. But I will confess this: the deep, bubbling, effervescent joy I feel when watching people LOSE THEIR FUCKING MINDS about this family is profound. It’s

Cosmopolitan is still relevant?

Yup. If I know anything about the Obamas, it's that they're not insecure crybabies whose dignity is threatened by a handful of harmless reality stars

I’m not mad, only because we all know the Obama’s would never be on Cosmo’s cover for obvious reasons.

Really though. And the phrase first family of this or First Lady of that has been used to describe celebrities in other scenarios I think

Eh, it is gross to even tongue-in-cheek call the K clan the first fam & I would be irritated if a publication I actually read were to stoop so low, but it is only Cosmo - a sad rag I haven’t taken seriously since adulthood.

Well, I was going to be productive and spend my Sunday night getting ready for the week, however Im too excited about the comments that will ensue. Bring it on friends and DONT disappoint.

People have to stop getting offended on other people’s behalf. I doubt the Obamas care that this family is being feted by Cosmo.

I hate that we let them bait us into giving their shitty magazine and that wack family more coverage.


Come on. It’s always convenient that parents never blame themselves.