You could have just said no instead of posting my heartfelt missive on the internet.
You could have just said no instead of posting my heartfelt missive on the internet.
Like hell am I going to a Waffle House in Kentucky at 2am without my gun.
Did anyone else’s mind go “30 year age difference and instant bond? Probably GSA and she’s actually his birth mother”
No? Just me?
...i’ll see myself out...
That's probably why they wanted to know!
Ugh millennials think they invented everything.
Moved out of his parents house and in with his new gf.
Laughing way too much over the promise of snacks.
Bad string of movie role choices aside, Affleck’s never been talentless. Meatheaded is a possibility, a person who makes dumb choices for sure, but talentless people don’t win screenwriting Oscars in their 20s or go on to direct Best Picture winning movies.
Damn, maybe the person who accidentally texted me “Who u been fucking?” recently was my soulmate and I missed it.
He’s 23. I think the endless energy in the sack would make up for it.
The worst! I can see a 53 y/o woman reading that garbage... cos let’s face it, that’s who the book is marketed to... but a 23 y/o guy? Really.
Yes, but doesn’t that show that they deserve each other?
This isn’t new, it’s just new technology. Back in the day, I sent a carrier pigeon who ended up getting lost and flying west instead of east, and the result was a beautiful, long, sustained pigeon-exchange. We celebrated our seventeenth anniversary in August.
Anyone want to take bets on how long it’ll be before someone turns this into a failed tv-sitcom pilot?
I don’t get it either. He’s just saying that his friend got a bad rap during that relationship.
I don’t get the outrage at all. It was painful to see his friend misunderstood in the media during a certain phase in his life... burn him!!!
I love how you just gave up, mid-comment.
Two thoughts: Matt’s trying to put the kibosh on a J.Lo/Ben reunion or