
Hey, I’m happy to discuss policy at any time with anyone. And I’m fair when I do so. The people I’m speaking of won’t talk policy. They just cry “Bernie Bro” (a sexist myth concocted by the HRC team, as they also did with “Obama Boy”), erasing most of Bernie’s supporters. Why? Because they can’t argue policy. The

I’m speaking of a specific group of people who seem to believe AOC should have endorsed Warren. Or Harris (JFC). And who also are Bernie haters. Let me ask you, how can one hate Bernie so much and yet love the squad? Hmmmm. Considering they’re politically aligned with him just about completely, that leaves one very

I am thinking about switching because of the combination of the most recent debate performances, and the endorsements from Omar and Tlaib. I agree AOC on her own isn’t likely to be persuasive to that many people. For me, her endorsing him doesn’t hold any more weight than endorsements from Mike Gravel or the

Wow. You’re really defensive. can make it out to be cliche if you like. It’s still true.

There is a really weird contingent of #StillWithHering voters who hate Bernie Sanders and yet adore AOC and the rest of the squad. These are, of course, voters who have no concern for policy but are more into identity politics. Maybe this will give those voters a reason to reflect on why they like the squad, don’t

Look who has no idea what progressivism is. Elizabeth Warren is NOT a progressive. If you really care about progressivism, you’ll back the only progressive candidate. Not one who proposes watered down half-measures that are meant to show she’ll keep towing the establishment line.

And you think that Bernie supporters are responsible for Hillary losing? We kept her out of Michigan? I live in Detroit. i saw Bernie 3 times in Michigan during the primary. I never saw Hillary once...because she never showed up (except for a big dollar private fundraiser in swanky Grosse Pointe).

The most concise way to explain the difference is that he is a democratic socialist who believes that capitalism is the root cause of most of our problems. Warren is a self-admitted “capitalist to her bones” that believes we can get out of our major problems with only minor tweaks to our government/economic structure.

this energy here though

You can hear straight from Ilhan’s mouth. It’s likely AOC will have similar reasoning:

Thank you for this amazing answer!!!

Last election we had “the most qualified candidate in history” and look how that turned out. Being qualified doesn’t entail being the best. And there are a lot of other issues besides Native American rights — Medicare for All, being anti-capitalism, emphasis on workers vs. consumers, including ones mentioned in the

You are doing a lot of cussing here.

[I am not trying to convince you here; just to offer an alternative perspective if your question was not rhetorical. Thanks for your patience if you took the time to read this.]

Sanders is honest and Warren is a liar.

The only tangible difference to me between the two is Sanders’ more even-handed stance on Israel. And the fact that he was the only Democratic nominee who accepted the Islamic Society of North America’s invitation to speak at their annual conference. Those two things probably mean something to members of the squad.


weird cruel and grotesque

By sheer force of nature and strength of conviction, AOC brought the Green New Deal into the forefront of the national conversation. She’s not done yet. 

A lot of Latinos of Dominican and Puerto Rican extraction (a large cohort of the New York Latino community) come from cultural and class backgrounds where they were treated as if they were black, they grew up with friends and family members who are black in the public eye (even if those friends and family