
i didnt make assumptions, i responded to the things you said.

my leftist ideals may be wrong, the policies i think would work may fail. i would totally advocate for a version of UBI, i think its the only way to ease the landing of an industrial society into a post industrial society that also largely can outsource

its funny because.... wait no. its not funny. people like you support letting people starve, eating literal dog food, while other members of society live in luxury that would make the lives of the fabled emperors of rome seem like a weekend retreat to a cabin. minorities (as we decide to define them) are rounded up

I’m 50, so I was not only alive in the 1990s, but the 1970s as well. And had a grandfather and uncles who worked the assembly line, although my father (and myself) got university educations and escaped that. I saw with my own eyes how the working class got screwed over

social security does not take care of that at all-

No, you're an uninformed centrist who got taken to school and is too much of a coward to admit it and is too stupid to just shut up and go away. 

This is why democrats lose- people like you literally dont know what your own policies are. You literally seem to think that democrat policy is ubi for elderly workers who dont yet qualify for social security but are too old to retrain for a more active or white collar career. And that would be awesome and we should

This would be a really clever comment if the democrats *actually* offered a minimum income to displaced workers. But they never have, so pack up your straw man and go back to your room of hillary 2016 momentoes

Eexcept the Republicans go in and promise to do something- they say it’s the fault of immigrants and foreign labor (which is bullshit- its robots, but whatever.) This is something the Democrats are absolute idiots about- they offer solutions that they and the voters know will never work and Republican offer them

No, America (at least corporate America) really did choose to leave these people behind. It made their stocks a bit higher to outsource things to sweatshops in Bangladesh rather than pay living wages to the US working class.

to be fair to common sense, providing clean water to everyone is hard BUT... it becomes a lot harder when every single person involved is being paid by Nestle, aka the company that has a financial interest in keeping water dirty. firefighters can pass the clean water bill because they aren’t dealing with Nestle

the ONLY reason folksy blue-collar white dudes have any power at all is because the system is built to amplify their voices. the electoral college is inherently undemocratic for this reason, folksy blue-collar white dudes (who, fun fact, do not make up the majority of people in this country and do not share views with

Voting for the neoliberal Democratic party isn’t voting for their interests either.

You white liberal feminists are so pathetic.

I thought the delegate count made this question all but moot? If Sanders is the nominee, he has my vote!

Listen to yourself. Did you even read the article. Biden is credibly accused of RAPE.

Democrats still have a glimmer of a chance to do the politically smart &, more importantly, the morally right thing to do: Nominate Bernie Sanders & not the rapist Iraq War champion handsy Joe Biden. Senator Sanders is morally upright & a decent human being, has the true populist credentials to take on Trump & expose

Biden, who likes to hug people inappropriately

One women... who is a former staffer of his. If anything, this accusation against Biden is more credible than all the ones against Trump combined (making this comparison is insane, but I’m making it because that’s the only way to get through to you people...). And it’s so painfully obvious that supposed progressives

I am astounded by the response by supposed “progressives” to this. Y’all are fucking sheep. Here’s an idea: don’t vote if both candidates are rapist ass holes. If you think one is better than the other, you have been brainwashed. 

Or you can just not choose and fight for something better