
She just comes across as a phony. Whether it is her pretending to be Native American for decades - with no good explanation as to why, or her flip flops on Medicare for All, or her snakey move to try and paint Bernie as a sexist, or her lame “I like a beer” kitchen videos, or her down home smarmy stories about her

Apparently Bernie is a racist because he wouldn’t make the basket of deplorables mistake like Shillary. Yall are wild. He was literally marching and get arresting with your heroes, but whatever story you want to spin because ‘wypipo evil’. LOL. Good luck in the future under Trump and his line of succession. 

oh puh-LEEEZE

Look she got blown out in a neighboring state. Klobuchar from MN and with a way less money and resources beat her. By a lot. This is why we have primaries. Candidates who bomb the first two usually don’t have much a future. I mean Warren is still in the race. And she’s your candidate, go for it. But to pretend the

A Democrat vote for Bloomberg in 2020 is no different than a Republican vote for Trump in 2016.  They are the same person.

Now playing

I’m sorry but that isn’t the sanders that I’ve seen.

When they asked Bernie if he would condemn white supremacy and stand up for the people in the Melanin Council, he would only say that he planned to help everyone equally.

“Although Trump will surely target her for her claims of Native American heritage, every black voter in America has a friend or relative who claims their hair texture or cheekbones are due to them having “some Indian blood.” Even if black voters assume she was lying (and they do), her lie still ranks lower than

Will this be updated when she nets zero delegates in Nevada and South Carolina and drops out before Super Tuesday to avoid an embarrassing loss in her home state? 

This article is hogwash.

For one, Warren herself defended the current system of Iowa and New Hampshire going first. See: Democracy now interview.

But more importantly, I’ve noticed that there’s a division between what the Elite pundits of color claim the community wants vs. what the community actually wants. Warren was

Simple: She has nothing to offer but lies upon lies. She’s never done anything of worth except bitch about others and that she could do it better but has NEVER stepped up.

she’s a victim of the situation that she’s created.

This is the most infantilizing thing I’ve read in awhile. Also incredibly disingenuous. You know Sanders has the largest most diverse base of supporters. The largest number of African American and Latino supporters. The sentence where you ‘all lives matter’ him happened four years ago at a speech he was giving and

was this written with just zero understanding of how well bernie is polling across the board? 

Because she’s a mediocre ass white woman that’s full of shit. 

You forgot the part where Elizabeth Warren propped up female members of the Melanin Council just to give herself cred. Other than that obvious withholding of her shortcomings, your so called point is riddled with false equivalency. Amy put an innocent member of the Council in prison for life, Bloomberg ruined hundreds

So we’re just going to pretend that ya’ll haven’t written like a dozen articles saying that Sanders couldn’t get black support in South Carolina and how he was basically done.... and he’s now basically tied in South Carolina... because he’s getting a serious rise in African American support?

Sanders speaks to our issues more then Warren does, it’s not that she isn’t good, it’s that Sanders is better and has a broader coalition. Her campaign has not been as well organized, and Sanders has serious grassroots...

Weird how Michael Harriot’s columns always contain one lie that can be easily disproved by a simple Google Search and yet nobody does any editorial work on his pieces.

Warren was a good candidate, but she lacked the organization and the grass roots that Sanders has. Oh and attacking Sanders for a tiny fraction of people who cannot be verified as actual supporters, and whose behavior cannot be controlled is ridiculous. That vast majority of Sander supporters are women and people of