
Read the recent Vanity Fair profile.

“...including the one that donned the costume of The Joker himself before opening fire on an Aurora auditorium:”

Sanders is in this for the long haul. You want transformative change or you want to be promised transformative change?

See? This is what frustrates me. How come it’s okay for Hillary to stay as long as she liked against Obama? He won still won somehow, and they both went AT IT in 07/08! Think about it. Tone deafness? I’m brown. Mexican-American. I don’t remember Hillary making me feel like she had my best interest at hand more than

Sounds like you have issues. How dare he do the exact thing he said he’d do (stay in the race until the primary) and try to beat a candidate with whom he had some very big differences of opinion. Didn’t he realize it was her turn?

Both you and he and your cult can go fuck yourselves.

You seriously don’t think the DNC is corrupt at all in any way?  That anyone that thinks that is Bernie Sanders cultist?  Do you understand how insane you sound?

Yes, because criticism never helps anyone... I mean seriously anyone who criticizes a huge corrupt organization never helps... ever.

No, it was the MAGA chuds who all proclaimed that Hilary had MS or whatever.

After the fact (election day) it was admittedly mocked, but most of the Bernie bros I know voted and supported Hilary, myself included.

You mean when he gave a speech at the DNC convention begging his supporters to vote for Hillary?

Yeah, my dad got an aortic valve replacement and the doctors predicted (correctly, as far as I can know) that his heart would recover such that it is as is he never had a regurgitation.

You want the only progressive candidate and the only one who actually cares about the people to drop out...why exactly? Because Elizabeth Warren takes big money? Because Warren flip flops? Because Warren does horribly to Trump and you want Trump to win? Because Warren has a vagina and that is more important than her

Unlikely. Medical experts on MSNBC and elsewhere said this sounds like angina pectoris and he had a common stent procedure. Pretty common for people over 40 and the recovery time is generally 1 to 5 days. He’ll likely be back light campaigning next week and increase his workload gradually over the month.

Someone on Twitter reminded everyone that Tuca and Bojack’s animators all unionized several months ago. Maybe related??

6 seasons (and a movie! maybe) is usually the magic amount of seasons warranted for a good show. After that it feels like they’re just dragging the characters back through things they’ve already done. 

Yes! Briahna is giving me renewed hope today. They thought they could use all these surrogates to smear him so Warren could keep her hands clean and we would just sit quietly and let it happen. So glad the campaign is switching gears to respond to Warren’s obvious turn.

The article I kind of expected, but these comments are unreal. Just straight up ignoring 1. Bernie’s entire history 2. The evidence of not-harrassment that is in the damn article itself 3. The reality that Bernie has the most diverse base going into 2020. If they think the Bernie Bro narrative is going to work this

Maybe we could scrap identity politics this time around? Or at least see them for what they are - pure numbers, nothing to do with the virtuosity or policy plans of a particular candidate.

I read the article, and much as I am not a big fan of Sanders, the examples given portray the bernie bros as just overly defensive. As for the Trump supporterswell, there’s major harassment in those tweets.

Democrats: “Bernie is bad on race.”