Pee On Shae Joy

Posted this on Gawker, posting again here. Here's how everyone voted:

Somebody’s been reading their Hamiltome.

They do. All the damn time. They nearly took away the Internet/Facebook privileges of my husbands entire ship because people kept posting stupid shit & breaking security rules. Some people are just really god damn stupid.

I think of NCIS:NO as one Quantum Leap episode he was never able to leap out of.

Well, it is. Enterprise didn’t really start getting good until S4. And then it died. :(

Sure. Except they’re not tasked with defending the American people. This guy is supposed to be defending Americans. Not threatening to kill them. What exactly is wrong with you?

Agreed, completely.

People ever watched this show? I lasted about 15 minutes and then swore off television completely.

Gomer doesn’t look like the brightest bulb.

[insert stupid MARINE joke]

Bakula ruined Star Trek, so let’s hope this isn’t the beginning of the Bakula curse destroying NCIS!

He probably doesn’t, USMC doesn’t really tolerate recreational use of it’s weapons. He probably took that photo for his ‘girlfriend’ when he was at the range or taking a tour of Iraq.

I watch NCIS original cause sometimes I don’t want to have to think too hard. And Mark Harmon.

I’m sure they will, he’s in uniform. . . They will throw the book at him

When filling out paper work for background checks on a gun “have you been dishonorably discharged from the military?” No more second amendment right for him. I'm pro gun but fuck that guy

If they don’t, fuck the ENTIRE organization. This shit cannot under any circumstances be tolerated. These asshats have access to FULLY automatic weapons and grenades and shit, for fucks sake.

I just pretend it’s an extended Quantum Leap plotline

I hope they throw the book at him. It’s a very, very big book. A dishonorable discharge is no joke.


The plot thickens...