Pee On Shae Joy

The portagonist of Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye has a great line about feeling like everyone else is an adult, but she is “merely in disguise.”

Yes, I never ask them but a little voice inside says, surely you can't be trusted to make this decision alone...

I was thinking about that the other day. Seriously, shouldn’t you feel different from one part of your life to another? I don’t know, like more mature or whatever that means? Because I really, really do not. I wake up some days feeling pretty much the same way I did as a twenty something or even as a teen.

i’d also like to share with everyone the time i lost a spelling bee by spelling reptile wrong. In the fifth grade i won my class spelling bee which meant that i got to participate in the school spelling bee. in the class spelling bee i was cool as a cucumber but not when the entire school, including my parents, were

I’m 31 and still feel like I need my parent’s permission to make large purchases.

Oh yes, totally waiting for the adults to show up. I panic when I realize that I’m the adult in certain situations.

‘Gross in Real Life’ would have been a much better title for his book.


Candy Spelling

Bush senior’s pronunciation of Saddam Hussein was saaad-um. It indicated a sign of disrespect.

seriously, he’s a fucking genius. I love pomegranates so much, but those little seeds get all caught in my teeth and whatnot :(

Reminds me of how republicans always say “the Democrat party” instead of the actual “Democratic Party"...

I forgot to mention that I don’t use it as a power move; for me it’s more of a “I’m putting you in your place/not taking your bullshit” move

If it was intended as a power move, he certainly didn’t pull it off very well – he just sounds like a jerk who puts all politically-relevant brown girls in a mental .zip file.

The book Seveneves has a character that is clearly based on him who falls in love 18 months before the earth is predicted to be charred in a fiery rain of asteroids. Recommended reading.

You can go for Neil. I’m headed for Idris. Let’s meet back and discuss results.

I employ this tactic from time to time...the slow burn face I get never fails to make me giggle (on the inside).

Hot take: Orlando Bloom is the new Kate Hudson.