P.J Maybe

I think the key reason to bump the storage is purely because of the sheer length of time it takes to REINSTALL games if you’ve deleted them to save space, then some interesting update comes out for something and makes you want to reinstall it (1 tb really doesn’t give you much to play with in PS5 terms once you’ve got

I feel sad for Ubisoft in a way but watching the sizzle reels for upcoming Ubisoft games, not a single one lit a fire under me or made me consider a preorder. But like most big publishers, they’re now stuck with a bunch of IP that they can no longer turn into money-spinning franchises because most gamers are bored to

“Free next-gen upgrade” should’ve been the norm not  the exception for Xbox X / PS5 stuff. Disgusting how most companies nickel-and-dime folk who literally would’ve only bought certain games less than a year before picking up a PS5 and were forced to shell out again for shinier versions (and in a lot of cases not that

I enjoyed Days Gone immensely, enough to play through it twice though I guess I’m not really the sort of person who has any kind of an axe to grind about a biker looking at a woman’s arse (can you imagine if, instead, he’d gently picked a flower and given it to her with “Oh I WUV you so much and will always treat you

I’d better be able to drive a beat-up old Toyota AE86 with Tofu shop decals down the side in this, otherwise I ain’t in...

No real sympathy whatsoever. Companies who believe that fragmentation of a service and actually removing any solid value from it will somehow win people over deserve a bloody nose and as others have pointed out, MS pretty much ‘owns’ this kind of service with Gamepass. I own a PS5 and had been a PS Plus subscriber for

This has been going on for a while, the disk being nothing better than an unlock code or a validation method. Was like this with the last Forza Horizon too (which I stupidly bought on disk but couldn’t play when I was changing ISPs and had no internet for a couple of days). Sounds great to you kids with your fat

If you think US ISPs aren’t up to the task of handling streaming gaming, baby you ain’t seen nothing yet. The UK is largely running on copper networks, even in a fairly large town like mine I can’t get fibre to my house in any shape or form and top out at 36-38mbps on a good day. So playing a lagging, glitchy and

More like a really bad daytime soap opera from the early 80s....yet I guess without any actual games news around at the moment, Kotaku is gonna Kotaku...

Another expensive remaster of a game that’s just a few years old and still perfectly serviceable as a PS4 game, and should really be a free upgrade for existing owners but won’t be because this is the new industry model. Thanks to all those folk who bought a slightly prettier version of a game that had already been

Cheers for all the info! Definitely making it sound way more attractive than it was back when Facebook accounts were a requirement. I’m just about to join a team at work that is using Oculus stuff and some Vive kit so one way or the other I’ll get to find out whether it’s going to make me puke or not :)

I like the way you think. The prospect of an Oculus without the requirement for Facebook definitely floats my boat. 

Could be that, though I wouldn’t say I’d had a lot of exposure to Vive or the higher end stuff yet (just odd bits and bobs through work). I guess the high price / entry point will put me off unless there’s some way I can properly try before I buy, and by try I mean “Spend a good few hours with a PSVR2 and different

First PSVR made me sick / gave me the VR sweats but I think that was largely due to the slow refresh rate / grainy resolution so I’m hoping this will be a lot better as I’ve been OK with stuff like Vive etc. Really does need a bundle where you get everything you need in the box too (though I bet that’d cost as much

Ironically, even as far back as the first game, I thought all the modern day / abstergo stuff was awful and should never have been there in the first place. It served no real purpose other than to offer up some justification for a random dude going around assassinating key figures in history, but there’s no reason at

Really looking forward to Ubisoft becoming a mobile-games-only publisher. Not. 

Stoked for this, even if this is early pre-alpha footage you can see the potential. If they make the gameplay smooth and intuitive (like Skate 3 was) and don’t just turn it into a hollowed out shell waiting for microtransactions to keep it moving, then I’m all in. In lieu of another TH remaster, Skate 4 is needed more

Same here, instant “Yes I do want” then near instant “No I do not want” - Lemme guess, the tags in JSR will be NFTs next...

You use the word ‘narrative’ there like it’s a dirty word in games. And there’s the problem with modern gaming in a nutshell...

Lobsters are pretty useless if you dive into one of those shrine / tower things, and just chip away at them with ranged weapons. They’re obviously too dumb to get you through the window gaps or doorways and usually just sit outside the shrine looking grumpy and useless. LOBSTER DINNER ‘EM!