P.J Maybe

Hmmm I think I’ll skip a third game. Really enjoyed the first, blitzed through the second (mostly bought because I wanted to see SOMETHING stretch the PS5's capabilities a bit and it did at least achieve that with the environmental / character stuff - and also because there was a metric clusterfrack of games arriving

Love this game (the original). Know why? It’s linear. Progression has a path from start to finish. It does first person parkour better than anything else I’ve ever played and a visual style that just begs for a this-gen remake / reboot (they could redo the terrible flash animation cut scenes as well, and make them

I do like it in certain games for sure. But some turn it into a pretty predictable chore (Last of us, I’m looking at you!). I think the one thing I really look for in any Tomb-alike is some decent puzzle solving (latter Uncharted games did fairly well on all that stuff, later Tomb Raiders did not). Basically anything

As someone who bought the disk copy of Forza Horizon 5 only to be locked into a bloody gigantic day 1 download (and no option to play the game until it was completed) let’s not do the pissing contest thing about which platform handles updates and downloads better, they’re both bad. Removing the option to play a game

Those are all the bits I hate about modern TR games, ironically :)

The Tony Hawks remasters really did spoil us all into believing that every HD remake or remaster would have that level of love poured into it. Sadly not the case. The Rockstar “that’ll do, they’ll still pay for it” model applied to the GTA ‘definitive editions’ is instead the norm. Vote with your wallets, stop buying

Same here, and it’s the law that no fresh baguette makes it home without losing at least one of (if not both of) its ends to sneaky snacking. 

Oh gods, I hope they don’t revive Oni. That game was terrible. 

Of course we get it, we all get it and we fully understand that companies previously smacked across the knuckles for their ‘lootbox’ shenanigans are looking for the new next way to shove extra payment plans into their games for gullible folk who eat this stuff up. I can see this being fed and watered by the streaming

This sort of ‘compilation’ is one of the main reasons I don’t really have much faith in Sony’s strategies when it comes to BC or legacy stuff. No question about it, anyone with a legitimate copy of Uncharted 1 to 4 plus lost legacy should’ve got this either for free or with some kind of disk / download validation. BC

As wonderful as it would be to be able to play my PS3 back catalogue (and PS1, PS2) on PS5 from the original media (which I stupidly still have as a complete game hoarder), this is about as likely to happen as Sony giving away free TVs to anyone who’d ever bought one of their devices. Simply put, if there’s no way to

True enough, can’t really argue with that but I lost count of how many times I rolled my eyes playing this as it was ticking all the boxes as it went along. I guess I’d just like to see another publisher / studio pick up the SW license as EA really can’t quite seem to nail it.

Sharing the sentiments of others here, it’s like the game WILLS you to hate it. An unlikeable protagonist, boring as hell storyline digging just about all the cliches out of the Star Wars story methodology, and above all else just not fun at all to play. I still mourn for how great 1313 sounded and given the revival

Thank goodness this list didn’t have Deathloop in it. Getting sick and tired of seeing that recommended elsewhere to new PS5 owners when it should have a whopping great big “Avoid like the plague” slapped across it. Just can’t see what others see in that game (I feel similarly about Returnal but would probably admit

COD exclusivity to Xbox only would just bounce off me as I don’t care about those games (and haven’t since MW2). As a PS4 / 5 owner though I’d be seriously pissed off if it meant we never saw any more Tony Hawk remakes (though I get the feeling that’s already a dead horse that MS certainly won’t have any interest in

The Xbox One s was (for me at least) the “Forza Horizon” console. I only own FH games on it, oh and Sunset Overdrive which excellent and deserved a lot more praise. Never bothered with any of the other exclusives at all. I will say this though, the Xbone is whisper quiet - even when accessing the optical drive. So

Absolutely agree with everyone here that said they bought a PS5 to improve performance of PS4 games, and as we’ve seen very few games built as PS5 exclusives (ie not developed with the lowest common denominator platform - the now ageing PS4 base model not the pro in mind) it’s really still the only reason to buy one

Note the “For me” bit in my post. Those of you who are capable of playing for 20.8 days straight, I raise a glass to you. 20.8 days of play time would be a good 6-8 months for me even in a game I loved to bits. 

My exact reason for not wanting more open world games (like that whole Dying Light “500 hours plus” thing which you just KNOW is going to mostly be filler). Fine if the open world is actually filled with a rich and varied set of quests, not fine if it’s just fetch and carry / go and kill that dude missions

And this bit made me laugh out loud...”Still, 500 hours is a long time. Pour one out for completionists who will be forced to play Dying Light 2 for over 3 weeks” - 500 hours for me definitely does not equate to 3 weeks gaming time.