P.J Maybe

500 hours. 490 of which will be “Go here, see this person, collect something from this person, bring it back to me” missions. 

Total opposite opinion to most on this thread but I like it because it just shows how some games ‘bounce off’ you and some don’t. GoT and Horizon: Zero Dawn completely bounced off me but won all the accolades and critical acclaim (and I’m still unsure whether I want to play the new Horizon game even with how gorgeous

This is literally “We’re doing it because think everyone else is going to be doing it” - which is an odd stance to take because the “Everyone else” in this context will undoubtedly be the usual suspects who have pretty much ruined modern gaming with their transaction filled hand-wavy yearly updates (EA, Activision,

Irrelevant old fart who stood on the shoulders of giants his whole career does the very thing that practically anyone with a brain would instantly hate on sight. Yeah that’s Molyneux...

Weirdly glad not to see Deathloop in this list. If there was ever a ‘regret purchase’ of a game on the PS5, Deathloop is it - closely followed by Returnal (in fact they’re both bloody annoying for virtually the same reason!)

Yep totally agree. As a mechanism it was so hit and miss that literally the only way I could get through the game first time was to rely heavily on the ‘ask the community’ type stuff and even then the results were quite often skewed (once people realised they could influence the outcome of a case by knackering the

I sort of like and hate this in equal measure. Great to see face capture tech getting to a point where ‘gurning’ can be accurately presented.

Scrolled down the list for Midtown Madness 3 and Rallisport Challenge (1 or 2), came away disappointed. Again. 

I would still rather have the cheese than ever play another Non-Horizon Forza game. Games like Forza Racing / Gran Turismo are a snorefest from start to finish. So I guess I agree with that bit at least, no serious bro-racing fan here. 

Sounds like a shameless cash grab. Who’d have thunk it from Take 2 / Rockstar though, eh? I bet it’s still going to sell like hot cakes. 

After the annoyance of that massive day 1 update (for disk owners), I have to say it looks amazing - even on a humble Xbox One-S. It doesn’t break any new ground really, it just buffs the previous games to an even higher sheen but maaaan what I wouldn’t give for a game option where you could filter out all the cheese

One thing I wish I’d known before buying the disk version was that the first update that hits is 95GB, and you can’t play the game until you download and install it. Probably not a big issue for those of you living anywhere else but the UK where fibre to home is not common, nor are fast connection speeds. 

Such a weird thing to get hung up on. Personally I think they’ve done a great job of including a diverse range of suits as it is, but the drubbing the team are getting for daring to go on their christmas hols just feels laughable when, on the flip side, gamers are crying all over the ‘crunch’ in other games.

No idea if you guys get this stuff in the states but it’s ridiculous how many things you can add this to for a flavour belt. I use it in cheese sauces to underpin the mild cheesiness with something a bit sharper / tastier. Also works in any number of salad dressings, pasta sauces etc.

Jeez, are we still getting that platform wars thing going on in gaming sites? Still? In 2018? We all know basically it’s all about you having a boner for the other person’s console of choice but being too weird to admit right out that you would actually like to play the other console’s exclusive titles, but made your

No Saga, no sale. I couldn’t care less about the first two games but Saga (along with that glorious theme tune) would be an insta-buy (and would be brilliant for completely ruining the prices of the original, which is going for stupido money at the moment in decent condition).

Always amusing in movies to see cars driving around parts of Oxford that even a rampant autobot wouldn’t be allowed to enter. Saw this being filmed, and was amused by the bit where the cars are driving under the Bridge of Sighs - and didn’t meet one disgruntled cyclist refusing to give way and riding at 2mph down the

I blame Chris Morris! First time I heard it was in an episode of the peerless “The Day Today” :)

It’s getting a bit of a critical drubbing, mostly the usual story of looking slightly prettier than the last, but essentially not bringing anything new to the table. I liked the first couple of entries in the series but 3 was just hugely frustrating mostly due to some poor mission pathing and UI decisions, and a lot

Crikey, really? I better do some research over the holidays then! Always felt like the Vita could have a new lease of life as a portable emulation machine (now my old PSP’s battery has finally given up the ghost). N64 emulation is potentially interesting but even if there’s low level 8 / 16 bit console stuff I’d be