P.J Maybe

I’m kinda more into seeing if I can get the game engine to do it rather than for robbings / moneymaking opportunities (like most Rockstar games, I never feel like I actively have to go out and make money in ‘em, other than blinging up my horse a bit I guess). Maybe I need more dynamite though. I wonder how much I / my

My Arthur Morgan has that ludicrous twin-fork beard, but always kept the same hat. I played through as ‘nice guy’ bar the odd accidental incident when my horse went askew and ran some damned fool over. Now playing through a second time as the most mercernary squirrel-squishing dog-kicking train-wrecking sonovabitch I

Did anyone ever successfully softmod the Vita to run emulator stuff? I’ve not kept up with the tech, but love the Vita for the PS plus stuff and the odd game I’ve actually bought for it (I own the sum total of one single game on card, and that was the game that came with the thing - Virtua Tennis).

I think I’m a little bit in love with Claire.

Maybe I’ll have to give up my destructive plans then :) I have been trying all sorts of things, even piling up large elk corpses on the track, driving wagons onto the track - all that kind of stuff, just to see if the game will allow that sort of free-form destruction but so far no luck. Dynamite on any of the fixed

Now I’m done with the main story (finally) I’ve resorted to messing about in the game a lot more. If you think it’s hard to rob a train, try derailing one. Also, try blowing up bridges. A lot of stuff I’d love to be able to actually do doesn’t seem possible outside scripted story missions sadly.

Flipping glad I held off buying OnRush now. Thank gawd it had an early beta, that was enough to convince me it wasn’t for me. Still, ‘free’ is free I guess. Damned shame it wasn’t the Motorstorm PS4 we all wanted though. 

Great sculpts. These always look really uncanny until someone tries to rig them for animation. 

My thoughts exactly. I am still chugging away at this, possibly one of the longest games a working dad gamer with far too many other interests outside videogames can possibly stay invested in a month after release. It keeps me coming back but I’ll never damned well forgive ‘em for the death of Horsey McHorseface.

Sounds disappointing really, expensive for what it offers, a strange collection of games (with one or two classics that I used to obsess over and a whole lot of filler). Given that I still have an original Playstation and most of the games on disk (which I’ve managed to keep in good condition unlike most of the

Same, in fact I had to read through the article again to make sure this was what was being talked about. You can fight the law, and win :)

Dredd is the only casualty in this list as far as I’m concerned. That movie was perfect - though naturally it would’ve struck more of a chord with UK Dredd fans than US I guess.

Shock horror. T & A has been selling fighting games (and, well, pretty much any Japanese game with a female character in it I guess) for decades now. I am pretty sure it’s the only reason people are still playing them. Hateful subculture born from the (unfortunate) way most Japanese games companies still view women,

The UK is too bloody backward and old-fashioned to be anywhere near ready for plug in vehicles. Even if you live in a relatively densely populated area with a good grid / plenty of infrastructure you’ll be lucky to find more than half a dozen points in your locale, and no one will travel for them. UK people are also

“We’ve removed Uncharted 4 to make way for Nier: Automata” - WHAAAT? Have completed the former, could not maintain any interest (despite all the panty flashes) in the latter at all. Just me though I guess.

Lovely looking game, pretty glitchy but this just makes my soul ache even more for a proper Skateboarding game (EA come the hell on, Skate 4 or GTFO!)

This, exactly this. RDR2 does seem to do a fairly good job of letting you just get on with things but there are times when you get bogged down having to do those tasks because your horse gets nadgery, or your guns start to misbehave at inopportune moments. I would love there to have been a sliding options meter for

I always quite liked the Call of Juarez games - though obviously they rapidly became eclipsed by RDR1. They definitely felt a lot more like they were tapping into proper Spaghetti (or should that be Paella) Western territory and as rough and ready as they were, they were a lot of fun.

Definitely want the Bastion / DVA Sets.

When my daughter was born I was determined that she wouldn’t have anything to do with videogames at all, I didn’t want her ‘wasting’ huge chunks of her spare time obsessing over them like I had. Later on, of course, that rule slipped drastically. We’re still really strict on screen time with her (mostly because in the