P.J Maybe

....and (End Credit Spoiler) no one wants to talk about the fact that Rio Morales ends up shacked up with a guy who looks eerily like an older version of the dude who offed her late husband?

Wow, never expected this to get any coverage on Kotaku....

As much as I hate remakes and remasters being little more than a bit of spit and polish (or if you’re Rockstar, a complete horrible frankensteinian travesty), this looks pretty nice. My guess is that Konami has just farmed this out to a cheapo UE5 savvy dev team to cash in on their IP while they still can. Pretty

Love this game despite its bugs but got VERY annoyed during one of the final missions when the game insisted I could press L1 and Circle to perform a new special move, and paused the game fighting the venom cretins until I pressed the button combo. But wouldn’t register the button combo had been pushed. Restarting the

The Cloud one is the funniest. They took some 12 year old kid’s face and stuck it on Cloud, just like some kid would do with a copy of MS Paint. 

Great little game this, and works nicely on Steam Deck in case anyone was wondering...

Phew, that does indeed seem to be the case! Not that I’ve got any desire to play it or anything, I just don’t like being ‘robbed’ :)

Yeesh. So long, free copy of FIFA 20 that I got with my Xbox One I guess...

Depends on the game. A genuine, innovative AAA title that has a stackload of actual “game” in the box you pay your $60 or more for is fine (like such a thing exists in modern gaming, hah!)

I hope this sells like dogshit-flavoured soda. Not because of the 30FPS lock, or the crappy looking sprites, but because I’m so sick and tired of remasters. As others in this thread have said, it’s not like you couldn’t get these games running either from your originals or via dubious means looking far, far better via

Microsoft would pretty much kill everything that Nintendo does well. Whether or not you feel that Nintendo’s games would benefit from being multiplatform, you can’t deny that of the three main players, Nintendo has continued to innovate beyond just ‘making everything slightly prettier than the last generation’. No one

Fell in love with the Steam demo version of this as a way to get back into a bit of RPG magic. I love the combat in it, far more immediate than some of the slower menu-driven combat in other RPGs. Plus it looks really nice (particularly on the smaller screen of the Steam Deck - in fact it’s a perfect fit for the

Mostly liking this show but for crying out loud give Chopper something more to do than sit in the background going “Burble burble burble”

Bizarrely I had a dream that Studio Laika (the Coraline folk) had made a full length animated feature of this game. The game does make it feel like a storyverse that needs further exploration so pretty stoked for this. Plus cats, how can it fail, right? 

Ah nostalgia. I remember being absolutely convinced that my next console would be the Sega Saturn. It had Sega Rally! It had Daytona. It had Virtua Fighter! How could it fail?

BC or not, I’d be more interested in the next switch than the next Playstation or Xbox, purely because the one thing Nintendo HAS got right with the Switch is a decent set of exclusive games that are actually worth playing. Sony and Microsoft are so wrapped up with pushing the technological envelope for the hardware

Lego could play this real smart and just dig out all the moulds for their Fabuland series and just use those as the template for the minifigs as A) they’re not too much bigger than normal minifigs and B) they practically look like Tom Nook etc as it is. Either way I hope they’re not those piss-awful non-minifig

Hot Fuzz is my favourite but I like them all, and I can definitely see why Pegg liked “The World’s End” best, as for a number of UK folk of the same age / same era as Pegg (like me) the main character is the most easy to identify with for a lot of folk who are still listening to the same music they did at Uni, still

This totally bounced off me (and most of my friends on this side of the pond) purely because a year later we had stuff like “Way of the Exploding Fist” and then later “International Karate”. I do like the idea of releasing older games this way but screw paying ridiculous amounts of money for them.

Hate to rag on my personal GOTY but a couple of things really spoiled the experience.