
Totally agree. I was so disappointed by that turd.

Oh God, The Musketeer…I remember the trailers with the cool Asia-inspired sword work and thought, "I have to see this".

Ron Eldard and Jeremy Piven were both pilots.

I wanted to like The Kingdom, but it was just so over-the-top with it's American arrogance.

Totally agree - and it generally holds up well, given that half of it takes place over the 70's and 80's.

I remember Exit Wounds having the most bat-shit crazy and utterly ridiculous Steven Segal kick ever filmed.

Shut up and take my money.

This is a great example of why right leaning comedy/comedian/comedy shows always fail miserably. They can't tell a joke when it is literally right in front of them.

I don't think anyone has made a good Musketeer movie.

This filmed this one in my hometown. It was big friggin deal at the time.

I hated Romeo Must Die because the director made no effort whatsoever to mask Vancouver as Los Angeles.

Sword of Destiny? Bueller?

I think he has potential as a dramatic actor. In bizarre irony, he was actually the most serious thing about the Lego Movie.

Damn, Martin Campbell did a good job on that. Don't know why he doesn't seem to get more work.

Great book. The same author also wrote one about the fall of Berlin.

Unfortunately, even the Russians haven't been able to come up with a decent film portrayal. Have you seen their 2013 effort? I was somewhat disappointed.

Travolta hamming it up? He would never… ;-)

I agree. He's pretty much out of allies, trusted confidants and friends at this point.

That guy is very overrated.

Don't forget Captain Benjamin fuckin' Sisko