Pedro O'Malley: The Next Generation

Not really...I mean, you drink at dinner, you might crash your car and kill somebody. I enjoy a rainbow and...what? What’s the potential downside?

Pitcher or Catcher? Report!

“Be-er?” was the first thing I thought when I read the article title.

Since the appearance of Ditto - at least in my area - it’s more of a surprise when a Magikarp isn’t a Ditto.

In fact, forget the dragons!

Link: “Oh boy...”

<Peter Griffin Voice>

Patient here. Went in for a kidney stone some time ago, was given Toradol. Worked extremely well on the pain, appreciated the fact that it was not a narcotic.

Well, it looks like it would qualify for capital murder in Texas, so maybe.

Agreed - the sandwich itself sounds pretty good.

That’s a really nice statue, but I’m not a “six hundred dollar statue” level fan.

I don’t know, it’s hard to consider today’s college students to be “too woke and sophisticated” for this type of thing. Everyone laughs at something they know is bad and thinks “I’m going to hell for laughing at this” even if it’s just a figurative statement - that person is laughing at something that they would and

Got to agree with you there, the presentation of this game is out of sight - no deep background story, cards are easy to read, looks like the gameplay is straightforward and fast. Dark and gritty is cool, but I really dig the big, bright, colorful aspect on this one.

The game was bad, but the stuff that came with it was fantastic. I repurposed it for 7TV’s Paranormal Investigators game.

This is fantastic. The commentary straight out of NBA Jam (all it’s missing is “he’s on fire!” with some sort of Street Fighter style special move). Graphics simple but effective. Cobra Kings vs the King Cobras. The karate masters sitting at the announcers table. “Kids Charity” signs.

Is there any extra content, or is this a port with the multiplayer switch flipped to the on position?

Nah, “Lookit me, I’m Bane!” is the hot new thing for Fellow Kids.

Please mention that anytime you hear or read “I can’t be racist, I’m (fill in the blank).”

Sounds like something I would like to try as a McNugget dip. Maybe not more than once, but...yeah.