Pedro O'Malley: The Next Generation

“Written by Guythrust Deepwood.”

I’d really prefer they made this a server option, like the nudity level.

Depends on which one is doing the grabbing, I suppose. Look at the left side of the bumper of the pickup truck. That ain’t a Hillary sticker.

Is it me or were the sound levels on that NFL video horrible? The music overwhelmed everything.

Just beautiful.

Wasn’t that a “day one” promise from Obama?

I’d be down with the system going into instant suspend mode at that point, not letting the kid play for another ten or twenty minutes “just to get to a save point.”

There is literally no such thing as “too many explosive dick jokes.”

In Special (Po)K’s “More Than A Number” campaign, this Pikachu would be in Size Sassy jeans.

Gotta have “A Look” to pull it off.

IRS: “Dear taxpayer, there are many sexual activities one can undertake that do not result in additional dependents. We here at the IRS heartily recommend the ‘Cleveland Refund Adjustment’ or the ‘Alabama Extended Form, Revision 6.’ Please note that the Alabama Extended Form requires three additional partners, a

Hey, Torquemada, whaddya say?

I remember buying tons of those shareware games like that - Commander Keen, the first Duke Nukem game, Hugo’s House of Horrors. Halloween Harry. Various ZZT games. Epic MegaGames (which grew up to become the Epic Games of today) published some pretty good stuff at the time.

Trump: 304

#3 is due to an inability to let a single article pass without some mention of Donald Trump. “For you, November 8, 2016 was the most important day of your life. For was Tuesday.”


“The original Sleeping Beauty in space would’ve been a more “interesting” (and horrifying) story - she’s impregnated while in her pod and labour forces the pod to wake her... Although then rape is a plot device”

So in other words, “We decided about two weeks ago.” Got it!

Both powerful and cute? Sign me up.

“It would also affect people who suddenly need to leave because their house is on fire (or they need to get their kids from school) but in those situations, you probably need to step away from the game for a bit anyway.”