All of these patents line up with the recently released Navy videos of unexplainable aircraft. USOs that come from the ocean and can fly in insane ways.
All of these patents line up with the recently released Navy videos of unexplainable aircraft. USOs that come from the ocean and can fly in insane ways.
If Bozi is going to be writing more articles around here I’ll be fucking pumped!
Really? I find him to be kind of a douche
Pontiac was clairvoyant, dig the nostrils and spoiler on the G6 GXP...
Careful not to trip over that low bar
Yes, was going to ammend that if you’ve got a good idea share it- and if it’s a good one, as is often the case when it’s from someone that lives it every day, it can be implemented. But you can’t just go changing shit because you thought it would be better.
I think the issue is that a lot of people don’t understand manufacturing and assembly, so they just think “well it works right?”
12k miles....that’s seriously low expectations.
Ingenuity from an assembly line worker is actually a very bad thing.
If you don’t, it accumulates backfees and when costs a fortune to register it when it comes time.
As a business owner, I have to agree to some degree. I also have lived and breathed this thing since day 1. The main component is that it is blind to economic injury. So if you were profitable or break even, yes you end up with more cash than you started.
If you really wanted to play it safe, you could’ve taken the money, invested it in the market, made out like a bandit, and returned the principal...
I’ve been living and breathing PPP since it started since I’m the only person at my employer with any SBA experience.
well put - only the vulgar idiots are getting caught.
You know, the crazy thing about the PPP is that these idiots spent the money before getting full forgiveness. Fraudulently document your PPP expenses, get 100% forgiveness from the bank and then you just risk the .01% chance that you would get audited.
Holy poop! You’d better be careful or the next software update on your Tesla will brick it. The screen will display something like. “Error 87392v63 - Trator” “Error 1 - Unworthy”
His stage name wasn’t Eddie Creative Commons...