Pedro S

While the company responsible for the half-time show *thought* they had purchased an actual GNX, in reality they almost certainly bought a gussied up Grand National that was being sold as a legit GNX. The Wired article takes it at face value that the company bought one, this article points out discrepancies in the car

The irony is that the front one is SO well placed, people use it all the time to open the door, which is problematic because the manual release does not lower the frameless glass when opening, so it can shatter the window. 

The rumor of the day, which I to my core fully believe to be the unvarnished truth, is that Volkswagen Group chairman Ferdinand Piëch came to an agreement with then Porsche CEO Wendelin Wiedeking.

The guided missile equivalent of what Tesla is doing with FSD:

They are going to assert that anyone who interacts with a Tesla Cab automatically agrees with their terms and conditions absolving them of any liability...and then include getting hit by one to count as interacting.

That’s exactly it. Also margins are also backloaded- you may get a deposit or progress payments, but unless you finish on or ahead of schedule and under budget, a project can turn into a money loser pretty quickly.

I’d push back on this one being a bad car! AWD manual turbo coupe with attractive styling?? Nothing to be embarrassed about!

One day in 1987 I was at my friend’s house, and his dad pulled into the garage with a gold, brand new...Chrysler LeBaron coupe.

These guys are outright scammers and thieves, but yeah this is a really rough business. I know someone who runs one, and it is not easy even though he’s nationally known for the makes and models he works on.

“Oh no, I parked my Cybertruck on the wrong side of the tracks and someone stole it and launched it into a ravine......”

While Tesla’s short term stock market performance relies on him acting like a visionary tech bro promising pie in the sky products that never come to market, Tesla’s sales performance has been because they created stylish affordable 300+ mile electric vehicles and a seamless national charging network.

While ultimately whatever plug is on the car doesn’t matter so long as an adapter can be used in either direction, I really hope that automakers are flashing huge internal warning signs that they need to continue to build out charging infrastructure.

He SPECIFICALLY said it could serve briefly as a boat and ford river AND SEAS.

This is true, however what makes this newsworthy is that Elon Musk specifically said that the Cybertruck could ford rivers AND EVEN SEAS THAT ARENT TOO CHOPPY.

I just cannot believe how after all of these years people still believe anything Musk has to say when it concerns timelines, and the fact that news outlets are uncritically passing along that this new affordable car is coming out “sooner” is absurd. 

It’s clearly people gunning to get a Tik-Tok ASAP of the bridge collapse from up close. I’d argue an even more odious brand of idiot than one who is simply trying to go around barricades to get where they (think they are) going.

I also feel things are getting a lot worse on the roads at those hours. I’ve stopped driving past midnight if I can at all avoid it. For me, that means that I grab the hotel closest to the airport the night before for early AM flights. Even a few weeks ago I was out at 10:30pm, I was in the passing lane actually

also now we are blaming Boeing for maggots and an engine fire? way to go Jalopnik!

I cannot believe that this had not been posted yet!!

Most stainless steel for the home, with the exception of the sink isn’t “raw” stainless, it’s coated, specifically so that it doesn’t tarnish and get fingerprints.