The irony is that aerospace is safe BECAUSE of the massive amount of regulation that it is subject to. Would you ever fly in an unregulated aircraft?
The irony is that aerospace is safe BECAUSE of the massive amount of regulation that it is subject to. Would you ever fly in an unregulated aircraft?
I am in aerospace manufacturing and this absolutely could be a possibility.
Or how about also, here is 2/3 page printout of key features and information if you are new to this or in case you lose charge!!!
Yup! I had to keep people from doing this *all the damn time* when I had a Model 3.
When I had my model 3, I had to keep people *all the time* from pulling the manual release.
This always kills me. for me, 25-30 years ago was the 80s, and the 90s were 15-20 years ago. It’s crazy that the 80's are the 2020's distance away from the 1940s were from the 80s.
Exactly this. What was the material difference if she disclosed or did not disclose this status if she would have otherwise still been eligible? Would they have made someone wave their hands in front of the hole to block the ball, or made her take a swing blindfolded?? If the difficulty was the same, and her…
This! There is also no guarantee that FSD will transfer to a new owner, or that it will be usable by a future owner if it does transfer! They are currently allowing it, for the next 2 months.’s “clothesline them” - like you are running into a clothesline in a backyard and you get smacked to the ground.
I think that the problems that Elon and his sycophants were having with twitter - fear of liberal thought control and “canceling” of the right wing, were not actually the problems twitter was having- revenue and long term user growth- and that “solving” the former was in fact disastrous for the latter.
These fucking things. I witnessed a group of 4 lawn cleanup guys in my neighbor’s yard blowing this leaf pile into a corner to get it out of the way. It was the most ridiculous thing to see. As I type this I can hear someone down the street from my office valiantly trying to blow some dirt or something into…
Autopilot vs “full self driving” can go up to 85 if I recall correctly, and clicking through the link to the previous article this is what was engaged. You can dial the speed right past the speed limit and it doesn’t stop or warn you at all.
I think that’s the real purpose of giving these to owners.
You are 100% correct. If I interpret the leading photo correctly, the intent of the Clubs that Hyundai and Kia are giving away is to beat the shit out of anyone trying to steal your car.
NP. Someone should display this with their collection of GM cars which got it right in the second generation only to get canceled anyway. This garage would include:
Yeah, this is my understanding as well, which if it accurate is kind of burying the lede a bit. We will know if this is the case if (when) Tesla Stans go ballistic for losing their FSD and go rage to daddy on Twitter.
It’s actually the “no snitching” that’s causing this. Many municipal employees, firefighters, cops etc. doing this, so by non-enforcement of this they are basically looking out for their own.
That’s exactly it. Cops turn a blind eye to this because NYC employees are the worst offenders, so there is zero incentive to enforce this.