Pedantic Pontificator

This idea that Black people love Democrats is a whole ass lie, Republicans are just so shitty it’s just not even an option to vote for them, like I can’t even hold my nose and vote for them because their policy/stance on virtually every issue that matters to me is absurd.

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people” - Some guy

Pretty sure the entire CBC voted yea too. Black faces are welcome, Black politics not so much.

Parties support the wealthy. A 20 year Princeton study confirms that if the rich like an idea, it’ll get passed. If you like it, tough shit.  It’s not about black or brown or white, all that matters is green.

The NEA gets less than $0.17 billion a year and yet idiots in the media and politics believe zeroing that out will fix the deficit.

Friends had a discussion that pops up for every election:

It’s like I’m just voting Democrat in order to fight off the GQP, not because I think they’ll actually turn shit around.  I like Dems with fire in them, like the Squad, but most are just spineless anymore.

This is why we are stuck in a death spiral. The problem is Republicans are almost always a non starter at every level. Maybe i’d vote for a Republican Mayor or like City Council or something but a Governor, congressman, or President? FOH. Their policies are too radical, too right wing and too antithetical to the

“There is a secret that all of your favorite Black pundits and even members of the Congressional Black Caucus know.”

Im 1000% witchya. I been getting steaming mad at my brothers and sisters who didnt vote and felt that ish down deep in my heart. After all Abrams, Latosha, Harris, etc. did to get the D’s a go the same ole shit. Still gonna do the same thing during midterms and next election cause the flip side is a worse

Still, in all fairness to you, that’s not your usual complaint.

It’s quite clear that the United States does not have (and never has had) two diametrically opposed political parties, but instead two parties pulling towards the same conservative, religious, white-centric direction. This is why the Democrats can’t seem to do jack shit except enable the GOP ghouls.

The Democratic party and the Republican party both serve the majority.

In numerous conversations with The Root, high-level staffers and members of the Congressional Black Caucus have expressed frustration with the Democratic Party’s apathy or lack of urgency on police reform, voting rights and other political issues important to Black America.

Not that ‘millions’ is wrong, but why not go with the more impactful number: a billion dollars.

It didn’t take long for Democratic party to forget how they got here and go back to fighting amongst themselves. They only need POC to generate momentum and win elections, after that it’s just a pat on the back.

“Moderate Dem” = Right Wing.

Agreed. Mind you my comment was not meant as a slight against Black people in general just the fact that ‘Black People’ are not a hive mind. Unfortunately, conservatives have become excellent at convincing people to vote against their own best interests, and move the needle increasingly to the Right. And that’s

I, unfortunately, have to agree. It’s crazy to me that in Atlanta of all places I see nothing but a sea of white faces at a John Lewis voting rights rally. The solidarity is surely appreciated but we also need our people to demonstrate more motivation and activism ALL THE TIME, not only when it’s convenient or getting

One article that I’ve been seeing pop up a lot lately with gerrymandering and redistricting coming up is this: “Democrats may have to break up BIPOC-majority districts in order to hold on to the House.”