Pedantic Pontificator

When you get yours, can you pass me one too. This year isn’t starting off well.

They’re only asking the overt seditionists to return the money. E.g., Mitch gets to keep his.

What can I say?  I’m a nice guy.

You’re being awfully generous in assuming she’d ascended to mediocrity in the first place.

She also claimed that she “wasn’t racial profiling whatsoever,” and that she couldn’t possibly racist because “I’m Puerto Rican, I’m like a woman of color. I’m Italian, Greek Puerto Rican...” (I guess we’re all supposed to ignore that she listed her white ethnicities first, but whatever.) When King asked her if she

I don’t know if you can truthfully say you still have a democracy when a good chunk of your population is actually fighting against it, including many politicians and policemen. It may be pessimistic to say it, but I think it may only be a matter of time.

Lauren Boebert is an easy-to-spot symbol of the violence and ignorance that underwrote the coup/insurrection on 6 January.

Now imagine every day more Americans die than in all the 9/11 attacks, and the President is worried about his locked Twitter account.

Clyburn said he was given away to the protestors because they skipped over his office, which he wasn’t in, to go directly to where he was. Capitol Police was giving them directions.

Nunes is still throwing his weight around like he’s Speaker.

I don’t think people realize just how close this country was to losing its democracy at that moment. Mob rule ALWAYS leads to tyranny and were Trump successful then America as we know it would cease to exist immediately.

They already have the data, they didn’t turn PRISM off just because Snowden revealed its existence.

It’s amazing how much people start to talk about “inclusivity” and “unity” and “bringing everyone together” after they get caught trying to overthrow the government

Honestly, even if I had Twitter i wouldn't know where to start. Rooo feeds us the goods like a mama bird. 

From what I’ve parsed together through various accounts, there are a few unmarked offices strewn across the Capitol building which are used to store the electoral votes from the states when they’re not on the Senate floor for certification.

Lock HER up! Lock HER up!

First Amendment Protests” ...sneaky motherfuckers. I’ve been fuming about this all morning, and furious about the MAGA Nazi Insurrection all week. I don’t know when I’ve been this angry. Well, ok, every police brutality report, but damn.

Hey, look: another dumbass traitor/gun fetish-izer who should stay off of social media; ->announcing the location of the Speaker during the riot while the Capitol was under assault :

This feels like important evidence of the denial and double standards operating at high executive levels, making excuses and creating permission structure for sabotage (who is in charge over there? Nunes funkiest? The utterly unqualified Lewandowski?):