Pedantic Pontificator

Exactly. Crazy white RWNJs laid siege to the capitols in: Olympia, WA; Salem, OR; Lansing, MI; and Boise, ID (Ammon Bundy was arrested) and now they’re all like we couldn’t have seen this coming, how did this happen? SMDH. I’m still confused by the Idaho (a.k.a. Antivaxxistan) insurrection. White Republicans control

I think it’s the pundits, the chatterers, the political class that’s shocked by this. The rest of us white people knew damn well either because we are Trump supporters or we know them. Even those of us that hate the motherfucker know what our crazy ass cousins and redneck uncles and high school buddies that went off

Word; my attention to my workload has been straight shattered for the last two days...

Not that state violence is always the answer, but sometimes it is.

First thing I said when they breached the doors was “these people have an alarming lack of bullet holes.” Not that state violence is always the answer, but sometimes it is.

Just in case you thought the Dems are not gonna get this done thanks to an influx of even bigger shitheads in the Capitol than normal:

Seriously, just look white enough and wear a bunch of MAGA merch and you can walk right in.  Wearing BLM apperal, on the other hand, will get you tear gassed for being within a half mile radius of any government building.

When BLM was protesting in D.C. they had them already deployed ahead of time and guarding the Capitol building. You’re kind of splitting hairs here.

No, they’d have needed to be white for that to work.

I could be wrong but I believe there may be some kind of skin bias here....

Al Qaeda: You mean we didn’t have to fly planes into buildings? We could’ve just walked in?

Fuck that. Real bullets. Now. 

Anyone arrested, needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of federal law. Some real federal pen time needs to be hung on all these fuckers.

TIL how fucking easy it is to breach the US Capitol if you’re white and delusional. 

Keep thinking of the fable of the frog and the scorpion. Trump is the scorpion, and the Republican frogs knew it.

But they’re white...

Dear Republicans,

The cops wouldn't be beating them. The cops would be shooting them.

This is an attempted coup.