Pedantic Pontificator

Barr served his purpose. He’s a white nationalist legal whore. Doesn’t matter whether he quit or resigned. He was out in a month regardless.

Can’t arrest yourself on your day off.

The D.C. police say that they are investigating the Proud Boys’ burning of Black Lives Matter signs”

Funny how the veteran FDNY paramedic got to remain anonymous in the article. Good for him.

I’m not sure “infiltrate” is quite the correct word when members of your various law enforcement entities already belong to the right wing nut job groups socially.

God the amount of schadenfreude I’ll feel if the Repubs lose the runoffs because a bunch trumpers chose to put in Trump’s name as protest...

Oh my god I will drink myself silly.

So does Proud Boys.

Part of the riot. 

When The Root crosses streams with Jalopnik...

By the time they all put on their “big-n-tall” camo underoos, figure out which end of their tacticool rifles the ammo goes in, waddle up the stairs from mom’s basement, and spend twenty minutes gasping for breath on the kitchen floor, the “civil war" will be over.

Man, you are made of some tough stuff. I’d last about five seconds in your job.

if there’s a coupe

Lol. Revoke 17 US states and give it back to the Native Americans. That would be fucking awesome. I co-sign.

“I don’t give a fuck about anyone but me.”

I cannot stop laughing! These mofos have always been mediocre and illiterate, starting with that poorly written racist ass Virginia charter. Ol’ boy had the nerve to threaten that “you’ll be the first to go”. Go where? Will the coupe be used for transportation? These fools really want their stupid fever dream civil

It’s a shame it’s not killing more of them.

Loved Splinter - now The Root is the only real news site. Jezebel is nasty, snarky garbage. Full of grammar and spelling errors and broken links. It used to feature some damn good writing. 

Does Florida extradite to New York?  Because a perp walk outside Mar-A-Lago with the ocean in the background would be a beautiful thing.

once President Trump goes from being the dicktator in the White House to just being a regular old dick