Pedantic Pontificator

Black women are women.

Which is why no one would vote for her. Didn't matter that she was a stronger candidate with better, more progressive policies. Everyone saw her as Hillary 2.0.

2016. Look it up.

Ya know.....

But but but guys! ThE iNtErNeT iS a LuXuRy, NoT a NeCeSsItY!!!!

I like the cut of your jib. ♥️

I delight in your pedantry.

To answer your question: never.

Probably won't matter. Friends of mine who work at the IRS are on administrative leave right now - tax returns aren't getting processed.

Judges, with very rare exceptions, aren't present at depositions. The way objectionable questions are generally handled is for counsel to object, and then the deponent answers (or doesn't answer) the questions. So your understanding is correct. A good attorney can make her life very miserable, and if she's as arrogant

Or fix the shocks on my car...

Shall I start the shit-stirring? Sure. I’ll start it.

Defamation suits involving public figures are even more difficult to win. Linda, before you come trolling into the comments, go look up case histories for defamation suits and public figures on your jurisdiction. And yes, you ARE a public figure.

“He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting!"

She’s only four years old, and she’s internalized all that self hatred! OMG. My heart breaks for her. I’m glad the internet came to help, but still! 

If you read anything about the California bar, and she genuinely expects to pass, yeah, she's studying. It's rather notorious for being the hardest bar exam to pass.

They’ve also been indicted by the FBI for millions in money laundering and fraud...

I’m disappointed - in the following speaker. He yielded his time, but apparently, he did nothing to make sure she could continue speaking.

Just want to point out that as I'm reading this, ads for hotels are interspersed between the text. I was searching for hotels a couple days ago. Hmmm....

Ok, a couple things.